the momment we will find out

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Sarah was looking around and all she noticed that it was a normal human aura and then she was that what is this where am I am I lost did I go into a nut I never portal and I got to think in and went through her bag and Sara grabbed this book that was never in her bag and she was starting to read it it was from her great grandmother was saying dear Sarah you will realize that some words have a big secret and then she realized what her grandmother met by every world has a dark secret. And then she looked at the person that took her in the van and tie up. She's like, why do you want me? And then the person looked at her like clueless, and he's like my name is John. And John told her this world is not human or correct this world you belong in and Sir just looked at herself at her skin at the power she has and she realizes the man was right and inserted at him and what did I do wrong I didn't me to have these powers I was born with it I guess and John said sometimes you will know who your friends are and you will recognize me when I tell you who I am and then Sara asked are you the John that came to the never portal in the white kingdom and John was I you remember and then I just realized and started imaging name everything that John and her dead in the past then she started blushing and she's like John if this is you show me the scarf take it off your eyes then did remove the scar from his eyes and handed the scarf to Sarah then Sir was looking at him he said it is you how long have I been gone why does this keep happening to me its like another world every time I turn around and she began to hug John and John was telling her one day you realize you can go to the future and back to the past so whatever you messed up in the past will happen in the future more than you think and then John warned her it beware who you tell you got magic too because they were trying usYou and then one cold night. Sarah got really cold. And she was looking for a furnace to put a fire. But wood was in the dark room which Sarah found this weird paper that glowing a bright light and it was show her something and brought her to where she need to know everything. Sarah started to talk to the one that
That knows everything he's called The Unknown she asked unknown what is his purpose for her to have this power? The unknown answered her you were chosen from a locket when you were born your mom was the first chosen then her mom before her all the women are the descendants of your family Sarah you will find out all the truth in due time. Sarah asked him why didn't my dad tell me? The unknown answered her child it wasn't for you to know just yet now you're over 10 billion years old you're old enough you're like a vampire that never ages so you don't know what year month years past like seconds to us this is called the rem and she said unknown how do you know so much about me? Unknown answered her and said I know everything about everybody older than anyone that's why they called me the unknown don't have a name I do have a gender but I don't have a name I was called the unknown for years then knowledged the person that knows everything about everyone there DNA their blood type you can't always now who I am and what I am I'm always known as the unknown so .I see all things I know all things I hear all things
Sarah end up running into this really hot guy named Stokleyc davenport
They started to fall in love cause he not human he was vampire he had powers also she really started to understand her powers more
Then anymore she started to kiss him slowly .and stokely started to undress Sarah sarah said stop i really don't want to rush thing at all. I love you but i dont want to rush things and stokely said we can start slowly if it too fast 😍sarah said can you change me into a vampire . But with your power's they will be come stronger and more than normal you will forget alot of things like family, friends , love  but I will help you with that  Sarah I'm scared but I want to become a vampire if it helps me find out any information about my power's . Stokely  told her  it can hard to change you into these Powers but I can do it but it's going to make you know too much Sometimes powerful magic can  be to much on a person that is young and I am one of the elders I know I might not look like it I might look like your age but we vampires never age. With the magic I was born with also I do not age the thing is with all us people that don't realize we will never be a normal world this is not Earth this is not heaven or hell Sarah then what is it? Stokely it is a dimension of all all powers everything that existed before Earth but it more than that no human on earth knew about this place if they did we would have to kill them . Sarah why do you have to kill them Stokely because they will end up telling others that we are a threat to their humankind and we're not we're trying to help them but they do not see  Sarah but my mom didn't have power my dad only did  stokely your mother is no threat to us she is actually one of our kind when she made you she gained your powers she's in our world but I don't know where her exact location is. Sarah I haven't seen my mother in a long time please let me know where Stokley in order for me to do that are you ready for the change? 🤔 Sarah said yes hopefully you can remind me everything  stokely   yes starting to change Sarah , Sarah fell asleep and Stokley think it didn't work but he already knows it did .

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