44 | Finally a Finality

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[ Y/N ]

"Woah, woah. Okay." I leaned my palms against the edge of the desk. "The Human Capital surrendered? Why?"

Lavender folded her hands across her lap and glanced over at King Asgore. "Well, turns out the humans there were being brainwashed after all. So when Conner and Alphys' mechanisms freed them from their orders, it was pretty clear who was on the losing side." She gave a genuine smile. "With nothing to defend themselves, the council for the Human Capital surrendered and agreed to the terms Katherine and Tyler asked for them to abide by."

My mouth hung open in agape as I struggled to take all the information in. "Peace?" was all I managed to squeak out.

Conner gave me one of his Hollywood-worthy grins. "Yup! Next week, the Human Council will be signing a permanent peace treaty with King Asgore and a few Persistence members." He gave me a smug look. "I'll be there." I snickered at his boastful look before turning back to Lavender. "So, what now? I mean, your main goal was to take down the two capitals." I pursed my lips. "And you kinda already did that . . ."

She bobbed her head and pointed over to King Asgore. "Us and King Asgore worked out our own little treaty up in the Castle, which includes helping rebuild the major cities throughout America before starting to work on the smaller ones in between." G raised a bone-brow. "Monster magic?" Undyne nodded with a feisty grin. "I can rebuild the whole city of Chicago in one day." She raised her arm and flexed the muscles in it. "All by myself!"

Somehow, I didn't doubt that.

Lavender gave Undyne an amused smile while I cocked my head in confusion. "Is that where the Human Capital is? Chicago?" I asked. Lavender nodded and pointed to a spot on the map before her. "It suffered a lot more damage than the Monster Capital did, so that one should take a bit longer to rebuild." She tilted her head and shrugged. "Maybe three months, tops."

I let out an impressed whistle and elbowed G in the side. "You gonna be helping out? Chicago or New York?" Before he could answer, Lavender shook her head and folded her hands on top of the map. "Neither of you will be helping out." Both of us gave her a confused look. "What? Why?" G asked.

Lavender stood up and walked around the desk to motion to my leg. "Y/N needs to go into physical therapy." She pointed to G. "And Alphys asked you to help with her and the other patients." "Other patients?" A look passed over Lavender's face, but she quickly regained her composure before I could suspect anything. "Katherine and Tyler had a little trouble at the Human Capital," she started, speaking slowly.

Conner suddenly stood up and stared at Lavender. "How did I not know about this?" Lavender shot him an apologetic look and waved her hand around. "We'll talk about this later. But just know that both of them are safe and will be placed into physical therapy." "Lavender. What happened."

I had never seen Conner so serious, and to be honest, it kinda scared me. Lavender looked like she shared my same thoughts, because she let out a nervous sigh and sat down on top of the desk. "I'll give you all some space," King Asgore said awkwardly before shuffling out of the tent. "Yeah, I'll catch you guys later," Undyne said before following the king of monsters out. watched them go before turning back to Lavender with an expectant look. "Well? It can't be too bad, right?"

When she hesitated to nod, my worries started to build up. "They're both going to be perfectly okay," she started, her voice almost a whisper. We had to lean forward to hear her. "They just had some malfunctions with their devices." Conner's face fell. "How?" Lavender brought her hands into her lap and took a small breath. "The gas bomb detonated quicker than they thought, causing it to burst into Tyler's face. He's permanently blind."

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