The Choice

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"What highschool are you choosing honey?"

"Mom!  I haven't chosen yet, but I've narrowed it down to four different schools."

"Which ones are they Dean?"

"I'm not gonna answer every single question!" I yelled, I was in a bad mood because my finals were yesterday along with a bunch of homework that kept me up all night.  "It felt like I was asleep for five minutes." As I was rambling on my mom was still trying to get me to answer the question.  "Damn parents." I mumbled.  I decided to go with RedPhoenixXHigh.  The other three options were BluePegasusHighY, YellowGriffenWHigh, and BlackHydraZHigh.  RedPhoenixXHigh​ stood out of all the rest and I thought, "why the hell not?" Besides two of my friends were also deciding to pick that school.

I went downstairs to get breakfast, and filled up my bowl with cereal and milk.  After that I choked down a blueberry muffin so I could get to the Mythical Office early so I wouldn't have to wait in the long lines.  I barely got out the door when I realized I was still in my pajamas.  I rushed up to my room and threw on the first pair of clothes I saw.  "Bye honey, and good luck getting into the school you picked!" I didn't even say goodbye before I was out of the house and sprinting down the street.  I noticed a girl on the other side of the road walking slowly in the direction of the office.  She also looked about the same age as me. "What the hell is she doing!  She's gonna be late for the sign up and the lines will be huge!  Damn it Jake, keep running and keep your mind off of the girl." I looked at my watch and saw I had ten minutes left.

I passed the sweets shop and saw a glimpse of the sign that read 'ONE TIME OFFER! GET A FREE PIECE OF CANDY DEPENDING ON WHICH HIGHSCHOOL YOUR GOING TO!' I stopped in my tracks and darted into the shop.  "Seven minutes left, I got time." I went over  to the guy that was passing out the pieces of candy.  "What school are you going to lad?" He asked in a cheery voice.

"I'm going to be going to RedPhoenixXHigh." I said.

"Here you go!" Exclaimed the candy guy.

"Thanks!" I said.  I opened the rapper and tossed it into my mouth.  It was a little hot and I could taste the cinnamon, it was quite good actually!  After I threw the rapper in the trash I looked at my watch.  "It opens in four minutes!" I yelled, I started to run frantically down the sidewalk all the while hoping time would slow down.  My mind was racing!  I would never make it in four minutes, it would take at least six, and time was not on my side.  I looked for a bus or a taxi or something!  I finally saw a bike rental stand!  I went over to it and almost threw the money at the guy, I calmed myself down and rented the bike.  I took off and went as fast as I could, two more minutes left.  I would reckon I could get there in under a minute if I keep going as fast as I was, but my legs wouldn't be able to keep it up for that long.  At that second I saw the Mythical Office on the other side of the park I was passing, "might as well take a short cut." I thought, I raced through the park dodging little kids and parents.  Once I finally got to the other side of the park I noticed that the gate was closed.  "Damn!" I said, I decided to ditch the bike and jump the fence, I took another look at the bike and said, "I'll come back later." Finally I had made it to the Mythical Office with thirty seconds to spare.

I walk in and look for the RedPhoenixXHigh sign up papers.  As I look around I notice all the other schools papers.  There are a bunch of pages which I'm guessing were all things you could do at those schools.  I saw mine and it was no different.  I start filling out the papers when someone walks in.  The guy comes up to me and greets me with a "Hi."

"Uh hello." I say in a puzzled voice, "do I know you?"

"No, but, I like meeting new people that are the same age as me." The guy says.

"Oh, cool, well, my name's Dean."

"Nice to meet you Jake, I'm Jose."

"What school are you going to?" I asked.

"I'm going to BluePegasusHighY, and you?"

"I'm going to be going to RedPhoenixXHigh."


As more people start to walk in I notice someone standing in the corner.  It was the girl I saw. "No way! She couldn't have made it, she would be at the candy shop by now!" My look of disbelief must have been a signal to Jose.  "You ok?"

"Uh, yeah." I said, still staring in shock.

She looks over at me and I quickly turn around to finish the papers.  Once I'm done I turn to leave and before I open the door I turn around and see the girl filling out the papers to enroll at Red. Phoenix. High.

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