The Dream

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I wake up in a dark room, as my eyes slowly adjust to the room, I notice the wall is covered with waffles.  I close my eyes again and I open them to a bright light, as soon as I register where I am I can clearly see that the grass and everything around me is made of waffles.  The fountain that I rode by with the bike to the Mythical Office is now instead of streaming with water, now streaming with syrup.  "What the hell?" I say to myself, "if this isn't a damn dream, then I must be dead."  I remember the blood on my chest and when I look, instead of blood there's syrup coming out of the wound, which I now see is a bullet wound.  "God dammit." 

I continue to briskly jog through the town finding everything covered in either waffles or syrup.  I go to the candy shop and see that its not covered in waffles nor syrup.  I walk in and all the candy is still there.  To make sure I was dreaming, I checked my pocket to make sure the envelope was sill there.  Sure enough it was still there.  I was beginning to question if I was really dreaming or not.  Just to make a double check, I ran outside and took a bite out of the curb.  It tasted not like waffles, but like potatoes.  That was when I started to freak out.

I ran back to my house and looked under the bed where I had collapsed.  I was still there, but there was a lot of syrup on the ground.  "Is that, my blood?  Why can't I get out of this place!" I yell.  Just then I hear a voice say, "oh, so you've been here this whole time?"

"Who said that." 


"Ya but who's me?"

"Well your you, and I'm me."

"Just show yourself." I say, dragging the words along.

I get no response, so I assume that the person left.  Once I get back to examining my body, I feel the slightest touch on my shoulder.  I jump in shock and turn to see the girl.  "You could've told me it was you." 

"But you summoned me, you should've known I was coming."

"What did you just say?"

"You summoned me."

"How....did I do that?"

"Are you an idiot."

"Well..uh..I made it into RedPhoenixXHigh didn't I?" 

She frowns at me, clearly frustrated.  "You summoned me with the envelope."

"With the envelope?"

"Yes. I got here and you weren't here so I tried finding you, but I couldn't find your heart beat."

"Why do you need my heart beat." 

"It's like GPS, only for demons."

"Did you just say...."

"Yes.  I said demons.  But why couldn't I find your heart beat?"

I immediately realized why she couldn't.  It's because I was dead.

"I think it's because I'm uh...dead."

"No, your not dead, it's just because your a demon too."

"Nope, it's because I'm de."  I stopped dead in the middle of my words, "I'm a...demon?"


"But I'm dead."

"OK, you can stop saying that."

"But I really am dead!"

"Fine, if your really dead, show me your corpse."

"It's right under the bed."

She looks under the bed and says, "yeah you really are dead.  I'll just bring you back to HQ and we'll fix you up."

"But, how can you 'fix up' a dead person?"

"A magician never reveals her secrets."

"But your not a magician."

"Oh really."  She smiles, and with a snap of a finger, me and her are what I can only say teleported to a room filled with biological stuff, with a few globes.  He see's a sign that reads, Biological Research Club.  To the left is a desk with some papers on it, and to the right is a huge doorway.  The floor is wood, although where I am located there's some carpet.  above me is a skylight and I can see It's probably around midnight.  "Wait midnight!" I yell, I get a sudden sharp pain in my chest and see there're bandages around it.  "Shouldn't I be dead?  And why do I not have a shirt on!" Dean lays there for about another twenty minutes or so and I hear the sound of doors opening. "I guess I'm not dreaming anymore." I say to myself.  I hear the familiar voice of the girl and a couple other voices I didn't recognize.  They weren't coming in the room I'm in so I try and listen to what there saying.  Not much, but I can make out a few words, "so is he really the one?" One person says, and, "have you told him yet."   "What the hell are they talking about," I whisper. He tries and recollect his thoughts, trying to put the pieces of what happened in order.  "Okay, so I know I'm a demon.  I know I had a weird ass dream.  I summoned someone with an envelope."  Dean's head started hurting as he started to gradually pull the memories back up from the bottom of his mind.  Just then he heard the girl say, "I'd like you to meet some of my other demons." And as soon as she says it, four other people come up behind her.  "What the hell am I doing here." Dean asks himself.  "Your the chosen one."

"Chosen for what?" Dean says,

"Chosen to wield one of the greatest tools of all time, and soon you'll have to fight the other wielder.  To the death.  And decide whether the war breaks out between Heaven and Hell.  Guess what their battlefield is gonna be."

"Don't tell me."


Dean looked up and saw the dead glares of the others.  "So who are they?"

"This is Klein," She points to the guy on the left.  He gives a, half hearted smile, "this is Skylar," she points to a girl standing beside her, "Skylar is my second in command, this right here is Marie, she points to a girl on the left, and this is Scarlett." 

"And your," I ask

"I'm the leader of the Phoenix household, Rose Ibara.  And we already know your name Dean."

"How exactly?"

"We've been studying you for quite some time now."

"How long?"

"Not important, but since your the noobie here, we're gonna have to train you.  You'll be under Scarlett's mentor ship for now."

Scarlett just gave Dean a smile along with a devious look.

"And don't try anything funny Scarlett."

"I'll try."

And with that, Dean was plopped right back down in his own bed, in his own room, and hoped this was all just some giant dream...

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