It conquers all...

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All of us have our own dream places and United States of America is undeniably one of the best places that will suit your choice. And you must be certainly lucky if you live and study there.

Louise Dei Johnson is a US citizen who studies in a renowned Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She is a second year interior designer student and definitely one of the pretty faces of their university during her time. And since she was very quiet, she was aloof at her classmates. She was shy and afraid to make new friends in the area.

One time, the university's famous basketball athlete James Benedict Williams came and suddenly saw this pretty lady. James is a fourth year Economics student. He is the grandson of the university's owner. Their family was so powerful, and he uses that power to get everything he wants. When he saw Louise, he didn't miss the chance to get near her. During their break, James saw Louise on a coffee shop and he followed to meet his dream girl.

James: Hi, miss. You must be Louise Johnson right?

Louise: Uhm yeah. (who shyly nods her face)

James: Great! I am James Benedict Williams. Can I sit here near beside you?

Louise: Sure. Have a seat but please do excuse me coz I still have some appointment.

James: Oh, that's sad! Wait! You don't know me? I am the grandson of the owner of this university. Can I get your number? I just want to be friends with you. I hope it is fine with you.

Louise: Uhm sorry. But I don't make friends here especially to strangers like you.

James: But wait Louise. I am really sincere. You can ask everyone here if I am good or not.

Louise: Oh really? I don't care and I don't really have time. Good bye.

James (who looked pissed off): Just wait and see, and you'll soon be mine.

Meeting and getting along with Louise seems to be very hard for James. He asked his friends John Ortiz, Michael Johans and Briana Howards to help him to get near to Louise.

Since James and his friends are the most powerful group in the university, he ruled one group to entrap Louise. He asked four men to embarrass her, and he will come to the scene to save Louise. When one of these men started to complain, James asked his grandfather to kick him out in the university. James can rule everything he wants. He can do whatever he wants because he has the power to do so.

The next day, James asked the boys to start the alleged plan. When Louise was in the lobby, one man dragged her bag. The other sprayed a colorful tint on her uniform while the other one started to show his private part to get Louise's attention. Louie was shouting and looks so upset. James suddenly runs towards the group and came into the picture. He pulled Louise next to him and started to fight the boys. Louise hugged and thanked James for rescuing him.

Louise: I don't know what will happen if you didn't come.

James: I told you Louise. I will protect and save you. So is this the start of our friendship?

Louise smiled and tapped James's shoulder in return. As days and weeks have passed by, the two became good friends and Louise became part of James group.

As time goes by, James' group can't hide their powerful image. There are lots of instances where they humiliate many students and even people outside the university. Louise had discovered the bossy image of James. She also found out that James only allows true blooded Americans to stay in their university. He never allows someone to change and complain on his decisions. James and his friends also go out and hang out with different girls at the bar whenever they want. Though Louise knew all these things, she still chose to stay with James because she fell in love with him. As their graduation came, Louise still has no idea about the set up or entrapment that was planned for her. She still loves James towards his bully and powerful actions.

Twenty years after......

After his successful image in the business industry, James became the president and the most powerful man in the United States of America. He continued serving with his dominant image. He orders to deport people who don't have US blood. James only wants to see and work with true American people. He was so strict throughout his governing journey. He also wants to get back and secure the work that the US has extended to other countries. He merely aims to progress US alone. James had also two unsuccessful and failed marriages with two different women before.

He is now happily married to the woman of his dreams Louise. Louise is now a famous model and had two wonderful children with James. One time, Louise wanted to have a serious talk with James to make him realize about his wrong doings.

Louise: Hon, what do you want to eat for dinner? Do you want me to cook for you or just prepare myself on a daring bed? Hmmm you know what I mean.

James: You know me to well baby. Take off your clothes let's bathe first. I'll be the one to bathe you. The bathe you will never forget..

They kissed each other. Louise did everything to make James happy on that night. They make love over and over until they got tired and paused for a moment.

Louise: Do I still have the power to make you satisfied hon?

James: Of course baby. The warm of your hugs and kisses plus the hotness and smoothness of your body can always make me happy.

James: Well then good. Wait why don't you tell me your journey when you work and live outside the States? Does living in Asia have a wonderful impact on you?

Louise: Yeah, hon. I actually love my stay in different countries around Asia. As a model, I worked with people who have different raises and nationality already. I made a lot of beautiful and memorable experiences throughout my journey. I also did some charity works around Asia. I have bought my new house their so that If I want to stay for good or spend some vacation, I can always accommodate that house. I know I am fulfilled already but you know nothing beats the happiness when I am with here so I came back here in States. And luckily I found you again. Though you have two failed relationships before, I don't care anymore because I know I am the last and your true love right? I also came back here of course to build my own family. I have so many beautiful memories in Asia. But there is this one director I have worked with whom I can't really forget. This director always gets what he wants. He was so bossy and dominant. He was so perfectionist in every take we make. One time, when one of his cameramen committed a simple mistake, he fired him that day without any further notice. He also asked some of his friends to deport that cameraman back to his country. Everyone seems to be afraid to him. But to me, e seems to be so nice and good. He always believes that he had the last say in everything. He doesn't consider the people around him but I know he has goodness deep inside his heart. He was really a dictator. Though he's bossy, I still value and love him because he was as good to me as my director.

James: Well there's no problem with that. He has the power to do whatever he wants.

Louise: Yeah. But you know hon, sometimes you should not always use power to govern. Sometimes being considerate will be very helpful.

James: Power and dictatorship work consistently to govern well. I am happy in a way that this director didn't court nor get you and your sexy body. I'll be sad if you didn't get back here.

Louise (who smiled and kissed James softly): You know hon I am only for you. But I know wherever he is now, I now he still have a chance to change. And you know hon I am sincere to help him. I will be one of the happiest people if he changes for good.

James: Let's have dinner baby. I am hungry because you made me extremely tired here in bed. I don't want to talk about that guy anymore. Power is always used in ruling.

We all have our own choices, style and manners when we are ruling one group, society or government. But when we are ruling, let us also think and consider other people. Goodness starts when we start to do and follow what is righteous from our selves. We should not always use power to govern. Everyone deserves second chances, and it is not too late to progress and do well.

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