Chapter 6

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"Well since your brother has very little HP it is amazing he is still alive. I am not sure about his arm though. He lost a big chunk out of it."

"This is all my fault I did this to sans this is all my fault!"

"My child it is not your fault, you had no control of this."


"Come on you weenie I know you are stronger than this!"

"Sans stay determine!"

"S-s-sans p-please w-wake up..."

Slowly I started to wake to see that it was night night. Looking around I saw that my arm in a cask with writing on it. It was from everyone telling me to get better. Looking to my right I see Papyrus and Frisk asleep next to me. Confused I tried to ask them if they were awake until I heard a jingle. Looking down I saw a necklace around my neck. It was the necklace I saw before I passed out from the accident. When I looked back at Frisk I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. They just want to have another chance and I treated them horribly. I couldn't help it, all the memories they just feed my anger. As I turned away I saw a big pile of gifts and flowers in front of me. Staring at it for a while I let at a small laugh and looked back at Frisk and Papyrus.

"Thanks guys..."

Seeing how late it was I thought it was a good idea to sleep. However I always have problem falling back to sleep when I wake up. So instead I stared up at the ceiling thinking of what I should do in the morning. As I was thinking I looked over to see Papyrus crying. As I started to get worried I scooted over to Papyrus. I shook him a little with my good arm.

"Pst...Pap...Pap wake up."

Slowly Papyrus opened his eyes to see Sans awake. As he got up quickly, looking like he was about to scream. I quickly shushed him and pointed at Frisk. Quickly Papyrus calmed down and whispered to Sans.


"Much better now that my GREAT bro is here."

Papyrus gave me a smug look and laughed a little. After a while Papyrus's smile disappeared and became serious. "SANS...IF I ASK YOU A QUESTION WILL YOU ANSWER IT HONESTLY?"

I didn't say anything a first then I let out a sigh. "Sure what is the question?"


This was a difficult question to answer, and I didn't want to worry Papyrus. "Well you is just a lot to take in, you know. We got on the surface and now we have so much to do now. Also more taxes to pay, so I had to do more than one job. I guess the stress is just getting to me that's all."

Papyrus looked at me not looking like he was believing me. "What about teleporting out of the humans house when they dared you to tell your deepest darkest secret? Or when you went to the house again to get my car, but stormed out angry?"

Man Papyrus sometimes you make it hard to keep you safe from all of this..
Letting out a sigh I have Papyrus a big smile.

" I...uh...well...*sigh* Me and the human didn't start off on the right foot back in the underground. When I first meet them I didn't really trusted them. So I guess when they asked me a personal question I uh got mad? Then um uh when I went to get your car Tori told me to talk to Frisk and I judged them to quickly and got into a fight with them..."

Man I am so lying out of my butt right now.

Papyrus looked at me not sure if I was lying or telling the truth. We stared at each other for a while. Sweat started to fall down my head as Papyrus's staring start to intensifie.


I stayed quiet when I realized he figured out what I was telling was not true. To tell the truth I don't know how to respond to this. I don't want to hurt him, or make him worry. All I want to do is keep him safe. Keep him away from all the pain. Away from the darkness from the world, and the pain the human caused. It feels like the world is forcing me to tell him the truth. How can I protect you if of the questions you ask will have answers that could harm you. What should I do, I want to tell you so badly. However I can't I am not going to make you worry about me your whole life. You have a whole life ahead of you and I dont want to keep that from you. Don't waste your time on me when you could be out there doing great things.

". . . I promise bro I am fine no need to worry about me." I finally said giving him a big smile.

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