When a small girl born of muggles finds out how to use magic. Her parents soon find out and hide her from reality. She grows up not knowing that anyone outside of the house doesn't know about her. A card come in the mail and is addressed to her. Whi...
On August 18 was the day before Tulips' birthday. It was now a month when her parent had been killed. She lived with her grand parents. Her grandmother was acting suspicious, but her grandfather was just his weird self as always. That night Tulip couldn't sleep, there was a terrible storm going on outside.
The winds blew rapidly, but a constant tapping was filling her ears. 'The window' she thought. She slipped out of her bed and walked to the window. She looked outside to see a big shadow creeping into the room. But the shadow was an odd shape, like a bird. She opened the window quickly and the Bork looking thing fell in. The closed the window tightly. She crouched over the bird looking at it oddly. She had seen on the holographic projector, of how certain birds were almost dying out. It looked like an owl from the show, but it was holding something in its beak. A letter, one addressed to her. It read:
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