Chapter 5- Going Shoping part 2

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Tulips pov. 

Wow everything is so old fashioned. But I'm still sad that I'm going to be a first year and first years sent alowed their own brooms. But I guess I'm really excited to control my powers.  We need books for all the classes I'm going to take. Potions , defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, herbology, and all the other classes. 

My hair hangs I front of my face as grandmother guides me around. We first get all my books then we head to a place to get my robes. They are black a color that seems so dark for a school of magic, then the hat I, completely loath the hat. It's pointy and black,too. It's just not my style.


Tulips grandmother's pov. 

"Oh it looks so cute on you Tulip!" I say. Her face looks unhappy, so I tell that I'm going to surprise her after. 

After we got the robes we went to get her a pet. She was so surprised when we stood in the front window. I know I blew her away. She couldn't make her mind, it was wait her a cat or a owl( the last owls that were ever going to be on shelves). She ended up with and owl. It was an Elf owl. It was small and cute, she named it Remi. 


Tulips pov. 

After we got Remi, we went to get my wand. We entered a store full of shoe boxes a young man stood at the counter he was about in his early twenties with brown hair and blue eyes

" Hello , I'm Andrew Anderson, but you can just call me Mr. Anderson.  And how may I help you two?"

"Hi Mr. Anderson I would like to get a wand." I say. 

"Well just like my uncle said, 'The wand chooses the wizard'!" 

A few rows downs, a box fell off the self. 

"That must be it." He says, and walks to go and retrieve it. 

"Ahhh," he sighs. 

"It's an alder wand, with a unicorn hair core. It's 8 and 3 quarter inches, and quite flexible."

I was still happy to get a wand. We finished by getting ice cream and went back to the house. And that was my day shopping as a witch. 

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