"Go Get Her"

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Finn's POV

             I didn't know what to say so I didn't respond. But she came after me. "Finn, look at me." She whined, pulling on my arm. I finally turned around, "Don't talk about it." I stated bluntly, she looked confused, then she smiled widely. "You do like her!" She yelled, probably waking Millie up. I shoved my hand over her mouth, but she licked it. I pulled it away in disgust and wiped it on my pants. "Finn, you like her." I rolled my eyes, "Obviously Ashley. You've pointed that out about thirty times now." I stated.

               "Awweee, my little bro has a crushie wushieeeee." She grabbed my right cheek and jerked it. I slapped her hand away, "No, ew, gross." She rolled her eyes playfully and skipped up the stairs to see Millie. I ran up after her, to see Millie just now getting up. Thank the heavens. I smiled at her, and tilted my head a tad to the left. She looked at me, and her face got red. I laughed and pulled her up softly. "Millie come on, you need to take your medicine." She hung her head back, then groaned again. "Okay, daddy." Now my face turned red, she widened her eyes as she realized what she said.

           I yanked away from her and ran to the bathroom, oh my lord that was close. I did not feel like telling her why I ran away so I just stayed in the bathroom. But lord, was it hard to sit comfortably. I heard her laugh outside the door, "Poor Finny," and I kicked it making the door shudder. "Go. Away. Millie." I pouted, sticking out my bottom lip even though she couldn't see it. "But Finn, I LOVE YOU!" She screamed, laughing afterwards.

                "I love you too." I whispered softly, then it all got quiet. I assumed she left, so I got up and went to my room. I heard a knock at the door, "Come in." I tiredly ran a hand through my hair. Millie stood in her pajama shorts and tank top, her hair half up-half down, she still looked stunning. I smiled, then sat up on my bed. "I need to talk to you Finn." She spoke barely above a whisper. I patted the spot next to me, and moved over. She hesitated and then slowly inched towards the bed. "Finn, you're my best friend, right?" She asked, looking me directly in the eye. I awkwardly nodded, hoping this was going to go better than I thought it would.

               "So there's this guy," She paused, I looked down, my heart slowly shattering as she continued. "I really really like him, I don't know what to do or how to approach him. You're normally good with this stuff so help me out." I was done, tears slowly pricked my eyes. I needed to get her out of here fast. "Go, Millie." I looked down, holding them in as hard as I could. "Go to him?" She questioned confused. "Get, out." I stated again, her eyes widened, and she got up, "Thanks for nothing." She exclaimed and then ran out of the room. I heard her door slam shut.

              Ashley came up, pushing the door open wide, as soon as I blinked, tears ran down my face. "Finn, no, no, no, what happened?" A look of pity spread across her face. "She likes someone else." I stated, trying to not make eye contact. "Did she say that?" She asked, her eyebrow raised. "She said she wanted help on approaching some dude and that I would know and to help her. HELP. HER. ASHLEY! How could I help the girl i'm in love with, get someone else? I can't it's pointless. I'm done." I cried out, her hugging me tightly, and then pulling back smiling.

        "If you love her, go get her."  

 So, that's exactly what I did.

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