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Finn's POV (I know right? ;) )

           I heard the door shut quietly, My hands flew up in the air, "What the hell!" I yelled, pulling on my hair. I opened the door, not grabbing and jacket, and ran. I thought of places she would, there was a couple, but one stood out from the others. The playground. I know, because she used to go there when she was upset, or I was, and we would swing until we had to go back home. I miss the old days, the days where you rarely had to worry about things. Rarely.

             I quickened my pace as the school came into view. I ran a hand through my hair, debating on which way to enter. Not giving it much thought, I jumped over the fence. I saw a figure sitting on the left swing, slowly rocking it. I knew it was her, but I still hesitated to go near her. She looked afraid of me back there, but she won't admit it nor tell me why. It was all so confusing, if she would just open up I would understand. 

        I took long strides, until she stopped swinging. She jumped up and backed away from me, hurt in her eyes. I looked down at my fingertips, my face started to heat up. I was confused, angry even but I would never EVER hurt Millie. I ran up to her swiftly, tackling her into a bear hug. She looked taken aback, and hesitantly put her arms on my back. After about three seconds she pulled away quickly.

           She looked scared, and helpless, I turned around in hopes to see if she was looking at someone else. But, it was just me. "Millie," I picked up my hand to caress her cheek, only to feel it be pushed down by hers. I looked in awe at my fingertips again, and then looked at hers. Then my dark eyes met her shiny light brown eyes. 

           "Why?" I muttered, trying to hold my tears back. "I don't want to talk to you right now Finn." Her voice broke as she said my name. "I need an answer!" My voice slightly raising higher and higher, tears finally broke through, crashing down my face. "Please." My voice softened as hers widened. "Please." I choked out again, sobbing at this point.

            "Finn," She paused, looking away from me. "Go home." She whispered, and then looked back at the swing. "I won't Millie, I won't and you know that I won't." I spoke through my clenched teeth. "I need answers, then I will go." I stopped, waiting for a reply. When I didn't get one I shook my head. "I see," I started, before I sat down on the swing next to her. I knew that she got the memo, I wasn't going anywhere, but she still sat quietly.

           "Come on Mill's, everything was great! What happened? You're my best friend, we tell each other everything. Why can't you trust me with this?" I questioned, starting to get frustrated. Millie shook her head, "It's not something to talk about." She mumbled, "Not enough." I stated, my jaw clenched, "I don't like the subject!" She yelled, her eyes watering. "What do you mean 'the subject'" I lowered my voice down just a tad, not wanting to make her cry.

           "Can we forget it? Please?" She finally looked me in the eyes, they were glossy, she attempted to blink them away, but one slipped. "Millie, I want you to be able to talk to me. It hurts knowing you would keep something that is obviously hurting you away from me, I thought this was special. But, you don't trust me." I stood up, about to walk away. "Finn," She stood up also, making her way towards me. 

         She reached out her arm to touch my shoulder, "No Millie, I get it." I began to walk away faster. "Finn, stop!" I turned, my face became sour, "And why should I do that?" I sassed as I stuck my head out to the side. "I love you Finn, but this is super personal, you would get angry." She mumbled through her tears. "Of course it is." I finally passed the gate and walked home, trying to blow off steam. It wasn't working, but it's the thought that counts.

          I slammed the door shut as I walked in, and marched up to my room. I groaned and fell on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling, wondering what could she possibly have been hurt over. I thought we were doing so well. I felt a pang in my chest as someone knocked on the door lightly. "Finn?" It was Mrs. Brown, I felt a weight being lifted off my chest, "Coming!" I opened up the door, I frowned as I saw Millie walk into her room and look at me before shutting her door and locking it. Her eyes were puffy and red, I felt terrible.

           I couldn't really pay much attention until she mentioned Millie's name. "Huh?" I turned back towards her, "I need you to go talk to Millie, she won't speak to me." Mrs. Brown looked down, but quickly replaced a smile on her face, "Me and Jim will be heading out for our anniversary date this weekend, we will be back the next Saturday, so have fun, be careful, and use protection." My eyes widened, "Kidding, kidding, goodness you kids take everything so seriously." She laughed and then went back downstairs.

             I inched towards her door, knocking twice lightly. "Go away." I heard her choke out, making my throat close tightly. "Millie," I heard shuffling then the door handle move. She opened it to where you could only see her eye. "What do you want Finn." She didn't ask, she more like told me to get away from her, but I stayed in my place. "We need to talk." I stated seriously, "now." I finished before pushing past her, closing the door behind me. I sat in her gray chair, and she plopped onto her bed. 

             "We don't need to talk Finn, I just don't want to make you mad again." She winced, her body shaking quickly and then stopping. "You didn't make me mad, I was just upset that you can't trust me." I bluntly stated, popping my fingers. "I do trust you-" I cut her off quickly. "Then tell me what's wrong." I had a blank stare, not giving any emotion out. "I can't do that Finn. It's too complicated, you would get super mad." She whispered, I rolled my eyes, wiping my face with my hand. "Millie." I warned before setting my elbows on my knees.

              "Finn, It's a touchy subject." I laughed, "Millie, look around you! Look at all the stuff we have been through, do you really think I don't know things that even you don't know I know? I know crap Millie, we share everything, no secrets. So why, and don't give me that crap about it being personal. With us, there is no personal. Why aren't you telling me." I finally got out, She shifted uncomfortably. "I had a dream." She started, picking at her nails. "Finn, please understand I know you wouldn't do this I just got scared. I kept thinking of my dad and I-" She kept talking, but I was frozen at the mention of him. 

            My jaw clenched, it was my turn to shift uncomfortably. She was on the verge of tears, "Millie." I got up, walking over to her and embracing her into a hug. "It's fine, don't talk about it. I get it, it's okay." I tried calming her but it made it worse. "No, Finn, you need to know." I sat back down next to her, patiently waiting for her to finish.

       "You did things my dad did Finn," She started, I began to grow confused the air was taken from my lungs,

                "Finn, in my dream you hit and tried to do stuff  to me."  

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