"dream a little dream of me"

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Millie's POV

                I woke up in my own bed, Finn was nowhere to be seen. I rubbed my eyes, then shielded them from the lights. I sat up and quietly tip toed over to the door. I slowly opened the door to see if his door was open, it was closed. I knew he was gone, I thought about the places he could be, getting more and more worried by the second. I finally calmed myself down as I sat on the couch, facing up towards the ceiling.

            I heard the front door creak open, and the sound of something crashing soon after. I stood up and ran towards the entrance way. Finn, I quickly stopped him from almost falling over again. He reeked of alcohol, my eyes widened. Disappointment written in my features. "Finn." I whispered, he hasn't ever done this before. I remember what his parents were like though, and my actual dad. I have a stepdad yeah, surprising?

         Finn and I have a lot in common, our parents both got divorced, both of our dad's passed away from alcohol poisoning. I miss my dad, but, if he tried to ever see me again I would literally kill him. I shook myself out of my thoughts and focused on the drugged boy in front of me. My eyes watered as the smell took me back into old memories. I pushed them back as far as I could avoiding letting Finn see. "Millieeeee." He slurred, "c'mere." He waved towards himself, I hesitantly took a couple steps forward, but backed up as he stepped towards me. "Finn, no, you need to go to sleep. You know how I feel about this." I looked away, not wanting to face him.

         "Millie, you aren't the only one who goes through crap. You know that right? I had a crappy dad too, my mom was just a bit better but not good enough. You try to think everything will get better but open your eyes Millie." He yelled, my eyes soon watering. "Finn, come to bed." I cringed as I held out my hand for him to take. He stumbled past me, bumping into my shoulder purposely, knocking me over. "Actually," he stopped in his place, I fearfully twitched as he came back to me. He got down on one knee, smiling deviously as his face was inches from mine.

           "Let's have some fun." He grabbed at me, but then-


                    I woke up, drenched in sweat, Finn by my side, looking over me. I began to full on sob, he pulled me closer to him. My dream flashed back into my head, I pushed him back, fear shooting throughout my body. His eyes became even more concerned. "I-" I tried to speak, but no words were enough to explain the situation. I quickly walked down the stairs and grabbed my jacket. I quietly closed the door and ran down the block until I was sure he wasn't following me. I exhaled and tears welled up in my eyes once again. My throat felt as if it was closing.

          I grabbed it, tightening my fingers to get rid of the swelling. I began to walk towards the old school's playground slowly, taking time with every step I took. I finally jogged up to the school swing set, sitting down and rocking back and forth. I feel so guilty, he didn't do anything. It was a dream, but it felt so real. It was like I could feel his hand on my throat when I woke up. Like something was holding me down. I couldn't get over that feeling.

           I heard the gravel crunch behind me, I jumped up and stepped back. Finn, he found me, of course he did. We used to always go here. "Millie," Worry and anger visible on his face. My lip quivered, his face was the same as it was then.

                I let a tear slip down my cheek as he ran up to me, 

                                        hugging the life out of me.  

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