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Hope you like this! It is the second book of Kidnapped, with Rose and Mitzi. Please vote and comment.  If you want something to happen, just let me know. And if you want to be in this or any other story of mine, just tell me.


I tensed and went back to the living room. I was handed Linda, so I held her, rocking her back and forth. I was never going to let that man near her. I suddenly raised my head up. "Where's Scott?" I asked Mitzi. I had thought he was going to be here sooner than this and I was getting kind of worried about him.

"I don't know. He said he would be coming as soon as he could," she replied to me.

I shrugged and shook my head slightly. We all took turns holding Linda, until the doorbell rang again. I handed the baby to Mitzi and walked slowly to the door fearfully.

I opened it slowly, cautiously, slightly, then opened it wide. Scott smiled as I let him in. We let him hold the baby. Too soon it seemed, night came.

I laid her down in her crib. Then, exhausted, I went to bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to a crash, then crying. I bolted out of my bed and down the hallway. I pushed the door of Linda's room open, only to see my former kidnapper, standing there holding Linda in his arms while she cried.

I froze, scared, angry that he was here. "Put her back in her bed." He didn't. He just stood there, grinning evilly.

"No. I finally get to hold my baby girl. You can't keep her from me now," he said.

"You are an unfit father, and I will never let you near her if I can help it." I was near tears now, not wanting little Linda to have to be near that evil man.

His face transformed and his eyes filled with anger. Linda was still crying. He advanced and I stepped back.

"Give me her." My voice was shaking. There was no response from him. He kept coming towards me, so I backed out of the door, down the stairs, and into the living room, where Mitzi was sleeping, hidden almost completely from view.

Before he could get down here, I woke up Mitzi, told her to call the police, but be very quiet about it. She didn't question me. I ran to the middle of the room.

Just then, he came in, my baby still crying while he held her. "Are you here alone. That's not very safe, or smart. You should know that." His face was still filled with rage, but his voice was calm, deadly calm.

"I was serious. You are violent, and impulsive. I will not subject my daughter to that." I looked him in the eye. How he was even out of prison, I don't know, but he was. Maybe he broke out, or maybe he was released.

I suddenly heard sirens in the distance, but if he heard them too, he didn't show it. "By the way, I know you still don't know my name. It's Devlin." Perfect, I thought. An evil sounding name to a person I considered evil.

Suddenly, the sirens seemed to register for him. He jumped and ran to the window. Seeing nothing seemed to enrage him more. He locked the doors and pulled out a gun. I tensed. "At least put Linda down. Just don't hurt her." He did so, but kept the gun trained on me. He ran to the back door and opened it. "I'll be back. Don't think I won't." When he was gone, I breathed out in relief and unlocked the doors.

When the police came, I made an official statement, then told Mitzi all that had happened. She gasped many times. Then we said good-night, hoping for the rest of the night to be relatively peaceful.

Well, we were wrong.

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