Secrets Revealed

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I nearly shut the door on his face, but he held it open with his hand. "Please, let me explain." I glared at him for a moment trying to decide what to do.

"Fine, but you'll do it out here, Devlin. Away from her." He just nodded, not protesting even a little bit, which surprised me a whole bunch.

"I just wanted to explain that..." he paused, hesitating to say the rest.

"Go on," I said impatiently, wondering what this was all about. Why was he here, and what did he want?

"Well, I... I am the one who sent the money," he said. I opened my mouth, but before i could reply and/or object, he quickly continued, " I thought you might need it. Please. Take it. I don't need it and you do."

"Why should I? Why are you so helpful all of a sudden?" I was immediately suspicious. Maybe he was trying to trick me.

"I don't want to explain that. Just please, take it and make good use of it." With that, he left quietly, before I could say anything back. I stared after him, my eyes wide with shock, then went back inside, still not knowing what to do with the money.. The first thing I hear is Linda crying.

I dashed up to her room, changed her diaper, then went downstairs with her to feed her lunch and have my own. When she quieted down, I thought to myself, "I do need the money, but I have no idea if it was stolen, counterfeit, or anything else bad." I decided to go to the police about it, have them check it, and if it wasn't okay, the police could have it, but if it was, then I would keep it, because I could use it well.

Linda kept playing on the floor with her toys, laughing and smiling all the while. I smiled and joined her, helping her make a tower of blocks, letting her knock it down dramatically. She made me laugh like never before. My mom came home soon, while we were still playing together, and I hugged her gently, knowing that she was probably tired, letting her take over watching Linda while I cook dinner and relax a bit.

I set dinner out for them, then said, "I need to do something really quick. I will be back as soon as I can." My mom nodded instantly, eager to watch Linda, and I grabbed the envelope quietly and went to the police station, wanting to know if it had been gained illegaly. As I walked in, an officer who recognized me came up.

"Hello. Is there anything I can do for you today, Ms. Rose?" I repeated the scene at my house and he went off to check. Thirty minutes later, he came back with the envelope. I didn't know what he was going to say.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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