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Morro thought, and shrugged. Lloyd leaned forward, balancing on his elbows, his chin in his hands. Morro stared at him, not noticing he was doing so. "What?" Lloyd asked, raising an eyebrow. Morro blinked. "It's just, well, I'm not sure how to put it.." Lloyd waited. "Do I have something on my face? In my teeth? Bad hair? Weird expression? Any of those?"
Morro shook his head. "No, your face is fine-Really fine-Your teeth are good, your hair is pretty cool, actually, and your expression is..." He trailed off.
"Well now you have two things to answer. Why you were staring at me, and now also, what about my expression?" Lloyd squinted. "Well, I was staring at you, because..." He sighs, "I like your face and your expression-All of them-Are the most adorable things ever." He finished, blending all his words together. Lloyd chuckled, "That a compliment?"
Morro shrugged, then gave a small nod, not sure what to say. "Well, thanks." Lloyd smiled, which made Morro smile, too.

The Man I Met In A Greenhouse ~Morryd~ ~~Ninjago~~Where stories live. Discover now