Chapter 1 - Freedom

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This story is about a girl who goes to many 'homes', and is split up from her siblings. Then she meets someone who she hates. Someone from her past. She lives with them thinking they have changed but then ends up getting put back in to care because that person started to go back to its ways. And she changes and changes a lot.

Help Nicole to sort out the bad things that have happened in her life. Then after being in many homes she gets moved to Elm Tree House. She meet lots of new friends and family she also tries to hold in a big secret that has lived for so long in the shadows and for too long. But the real question is will she survive? And what happens to her siblings?


Nicole's P.O.V.

I have just come back from school after gymnastics. Today was alright, it was the usual, 6 hours of lessons, break, lunch and gymnastics. At 4:30 I went to the nursery and primary school to grab my younger brothers and sisters. Euan and Tom were in Reception (twins) and Rebecca and Zara in Nursery, also twins. I was the oldest aged 8. Yeah, I'm 8 years old and I have to pick up my younger siblings but I'm pretty mature for my age and intelligent so my parents trust me to pick them up.

I had Zara's and Euan's hands in mine with Rebecca's in Zara's and Tom's in Euan's. I made sure they were all safe. We got back home and I called mum to say that we were back.
This was when I heard glass shatter so I told the other four to go up to their rooms silently until they heard three knocks and me say glossy superman.

After they had trooped upstairs, quietly I went in to the next room to see my mum on the floor with a huge gash across her face and my dad next to her holding a broken bottle. Then I realised that there was glass on the floor. I stood there in shock.

"Dad, what's happened in here?" I asked. What? I was like 8 years old and terrified.

"Come here sweety." He said so I went towards him looking up to him. It looked like he had a smirk on his face. I tried to run, freaked out with his expression but he grabbed my hoody and punched me in the stomach. That was going to hurt in the morning.

After being attacked by my father for who knows what reason, I went to check on my brothers and sisters. I'm the loner because I don't have another person looking after me where as both sets of twins have eachother. I knocked on the girls' door 3 times and said glossy superman. Rebecca opened the door and let me in. Your probably wondering what they look like so lets say, the girls look almost like young Dakota Fanning but they both have slight differences. The boys look almost like a young Logan Lerman.

Rebecca has shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and freckles. Zara has shoulder length wavy blond hair, grey eyes with hints of blue and is shorter than her twin. The boys have dark brown hair that can never be tamed, brown eyes however Tom has lighter colored eyes and lighter lip color. Also an extra freckle by his nose. To notice these you have to look really closely.

Anyway, I walked in to their rooms and found them all in there, the girls playing with their bratz dolls and boys their cars. I laughed, it was a funny sight since they'd usually be arguing about the space each are taking up.

"You okay you 4?" I asked.

"We're ok Nicole." Tom replied. I nodded.

"Are you hungry because if you are I'll get you some food for dinner. Don't come downstairs ok?" They nodded. I'm glad they didn't ask questions as to why they weren't allowed downstairs. I walked out the girls' room and slightly limped downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some bread, buttered it and put some ham I found in the fridge. I must have made some noise cause my dad came stumbling in. He looked even more drunk than earlier. Oh sugar. He came in and slapped me and screamed at me to be quiet with some rude words in the sentence that an 8 year old shouldn't hear. He went away after 2 minutes of ranting he left not after slamming me into the cupboard. I took my siblings their food and talked to them about how they were doing at school and what they did. Then I told them to go to bed and I tucked them in and went to bed.


1 1/2 years later~

After many months of my father punishing me, me screaming and making sure my siblings didn't get hurt the police were finally called. A neighbour had called them and when my dad didn't answer the door, they burst down the door, it collapsed and with it came the police. The officers came in and arrested my dad, the younger ones were in tears and clutched to me. I could tell that they were scared so I crouched down and hugged them all. Then a social worker came in and talked to us, well mainly me because the others wouldn't understand what she meant, well except the beginning.

She said "Hi there you five, I'm Delia. I am your social worker and I will be taking you to an emergency foster house. This one we are taking you to is only temporary until we can find a proper place. Come on then kids lets get you going." Then she turned to me and said, "will you help them pack, I can see this is a very big ordeal for them since they are younger than you but I can see you understand quite a bit of what I'm saying. Well come along and pack, chop chop." I sighed and turned to my younger sisters and brothers and told them that daddy is going to be away for a while and we are going to a home where people are going to look after us. We need to pack guys and get in the car. I also told them that there could be other children there. Soon we went and packed.

We got in the car and I strapped the little ones in to booster seats and I sat in the back behind everyone else. I hoped that the home we were going to was good enough that my siblings didn't get hurt.

(A/N Please can you tell me if that's a good starting chapter and if you want me to continue, thanks. P.S In every chapter there should be a song so if you want to listen go ahead.

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