Chapter two

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Chapter: 2

Addisons P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open, my head was spinning. I was no longer mounted on the bed beside the wall, I was now chained onto a metal chair that was cold and uncomfortable. I wiggled around nervously as I struggled to free myself.

"Oh, You're not getting out of those. " The man said as the door swung open.  "I made them extra tight for your safety." He grinned. I could feel a tear run down my cheek. I just needed to be free.

"Safety?" I choked out. My wrists burned from the chains. I could see were the shackles had cut into my skin. it looked infected, I could tell I must have been knocked out for a while. He walked over to me and patted me on the head. His long matted hair covered his eyes. I could barely see half of his face.

"Yes, for you're safety." He repeated.

I lunged forward but the chains caught me, "The only thing that isn't safe is you! I was fine before you came along!" I screamed. He brushed his hair out of his face. I observed him as he walked even closer to me. I noticed two ugly scars that ran from each corner of his mouth to almost his ear. I gasped and stared. His expression looked hurt, as if someone slapped him.

"You are so disrespectful. I have done so much for you. I am keeping you safe from the world, The outside is such a horrid place, darling." He ran his cold fingers across my cheek.

"Just let me go." I sobbed. He shook his head and turned the desk that was a few feet away. I watched as he flipped through stacks of paper and pulled out a single sheet. He read the paper over and nodded.

"Ahh." The man said softly as he turned back to me.

"What?" I asked nervously. He smiled and tossed the paper away.

"Ooh, nothing." He smiled and touched my cheek lightly. I shivered and stared blankly at him.

"There are so many things you don't know about yourself." The man paced back and forth. His eyes scanned the floor, and his hand were behind his back.

"But I know all your dirty little secrets, Luna." I jerked my heard upward and looked at him. He always had a grim smile on his face.

"Luna?" I asked couriously. The corner of his mouth twitched.

"Luna is your real name. You were adopted when you were three months old, Too young to remember. Your guardians always kept it a secret from you. Your real mother was a drug addict. She named you after the most beautiful thing she knew of, which was the moon. After a few months she wasn't able to take care of you, for other reasons. She put you into an adoption center, hoping you'd have a better life. Only to find out, they changed your name. She was angry. She wanted revenge, but she ended up overdosing." He said bluntly.

I could feel tears starting to swell up in my eyes. This couldn't be true. " No, you're a phycopath!" I screamed. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I suddenly felt weak.

"You're lying." I whispered. He shook his head and slowly walked over to me. I could never see what his face really looked like, the lighting was poor in this room.

"I wouldn't have watched you my whole life, then kidnap you to tell you faulse information." He said calmly. I looked up at him with watery eyes.

"What was her name?" I sobbed. I didnt have a choice but to believe him. I felt like my whole entire life was a complete lie.

"Maximum." He said as he sat himself on the bed beside me.

"And for the record, I am not a physcopath. I just acted creepy for my amusement." I glared at him.

"Good to know." I snapped.

"Yeah. And you have a lot to learn about your past and who you actually are. I am only restraining you with chains so you don't run away. My boss told me to." He said jerking his head to the left so his long hair wouldn't be in his eyes.

"Boss?" I said coldly. He nodded and played with a hole in the blanket near him.

"Yeah, He is top dog around here." He said sharply. I could tell by the tone in his voice he didn't exactly like his so called boss.

"Oh. Um. I never caught your name because you know I was kidnapped and stuff." He chuckled and nodded.

"The name is Conrad." He said sweetly. I found it strange how one minute he acts like a creepy physco  killer and the next minute he acts normal and sweet. Bipolar maybe?

"Nice..." I said as I wiggled uncomfortably in the grip of the chains. He seemed to notice me squirming because he immetiatly jumped up and walked over to me.

"You'll be out of the chains soon." Conrad said soothingly.

"On a happier note, I wasn't the one who put you in chains. " He smiled brightly and proudly. I couldn't help but to smile. He was so sweet but so creepy at the same time.

"Ha, made you smile!" He teased. I was going to reply with a smart ass remark but I was cut off my him screaming in agony as he crumbled to the floor holding his head.

"Are you alright?" I asked nervously. He let out one last tiny scream and jumped to his feet.

"I-im fine." Conrad said breathlessly. I could tell his face went pale even though we were almost in complete darkness.

"Boss wants to see you." He said softly. He knelt down beside me and began unlocking the chains that were wrapped tightly around me. I wondered how he knew that his boss wanted to see me. Could his boss shove thoughts into his head? As the chains fell to the floor one by one I could feel my body relaxing and healing itself.

"This way." Conrad said grabbing my hand and helping me out of the chair. He led me to the door and smiled at me.

"Behave." He whispered before opening the door and pushing me out. Two tall men were waiting, ready to escort me to the boss. I felt my stomach become uneasy, each men had a firm grip on my arms. I glanced behind me and I saw Conrad laying lifelessly on the floor. His hands clenching his head. I let out a gasp before I was shoved into a room. The bosses room.

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