Something Weird is Going On

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Gajeel sighed as he stepped into the shower. What was happening? Every time his eyes met Levy's, something stirred in his stomach. Sure, he thought she was attractive and nice, but she wasn't exactly his type. Now that Heartfilia girl, or Cana maybe, that was his type. At least, that's what he thought.

Despite the rushing water, he could still hear the small girl shuffling around in the living room. She was thinking... He had noticed she had a habit of pacing when she was in deep thought about something.

A few minutes later and Gajeel had finally calmed down enough to exit the shower and put some clothes on. When he stepped into the living room a smirk grew on his lips. Levy was nestled in the word 'Cushion', a book in her hands.

"Whatcha doin'?" He asked, his smirk growing when her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes squinted.

"What does it look like? I'm reading." Levy replied, not bothering to look up. Gajeel rolled his eyes and sat on the couch, silently watching her. The way she seemed so interested in the text amazed him. He could never really get into reading, fighting and pissing people off was more his style.

"I'm going to go out for a little, I need to... research something." He mumbled, walking towards the door. A sharp laugh rang throughout the small house, causing Gajeel to turn around. Levy was hunched over, grabbing her stomach.

"Y-you...?!" She gasped in a breath. "Research?! Ha! Now that's something I'd like to see."

His red eyes narrowed before he yanked open the door. "Do whatever. If you get hungry there's stuff in the kitchen. See 'ya." With that, he was gone. Levy sighed, silence enveloping the room. That tiny house could sure get lonely fast.

For the next few hours, she was all over. From hanging upside down on the couch reading, to sitting on the counter and thinking of random words to make. The blunette groaned, bored out of her mind. "I'm hungryyy..."

Didn't Gajeel mention something about food as he was leaving? Where was he anyways? For as long as Levy had known him, not once did he research anything. Hell, she's never even seen him read a book. All he ever seemed to do was get in fights and break stuff. Food... That's all she needed to care about. Levy hopped off the counter and began rummaging around in the cabinets.



Even the fridge was empty!

"Oh my god, Gajeel!" Levy screamed, pulling at her hair in frustration. Did she really have to go out and buy him food? How on earth did he live like this?

Great... Now I feel the need to go shopping.

Don't leave the house, shrimp.

Levy jumped slightly at the intruding voice in her head. It took her a moment to remember what had happened earlier.

I'm going, and you can't stop me because you're not here.

I'll grab something on my way back. Just wait a little.

No! I'm hungry now.

Too bad.

What are you gonna do if I leave, huh? Kill me?


Sucks. I'm leaving anyways.

Levy's arms crossed as he stomped towards her bag that was lying on the couch. All the while, protests from Gajeel rang through her head. She didn't bother to listen as she trudged out the door. The bright sunlight smacked her in the face. Squinting, she tried to look at her surroundings. Was it really that dim in the house?

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