Chapter 19

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" I thought Hephaestus only gave me an upgrade." Said Timothy.

" Don't you remember the blade he wanted to give you?" Asked Timothy.

" Completely forgot." Said Timothy.

" I just told you a few minutes ago." Said Timothy.

" Short term memory loss." Said Timothy.

" It happens randomly?" Asked Hermes.

" Yeah." Said Timothy.

" Weird." Said Hermes.

" It helps me not get attached to anyone I don't care about really." Said Timothy.

" All I leave behind is my metaphorical skeleton." Said Timothy.

" Wish I could have done that." Said Anthony.

" It was either being concealed or being somewhere else for me." Said Anthony.

" High school?' Asked Timothy.

" Yeah High School is a cruel mistress that can whiplash you with your own emotions." Said Anthony.

" The girl again?" Asked Timothy.

" I just didn't see that coming but then again who ever does." Said Timothy.

"You were shooting an arrow blindly but missed the bull's-eye you thought you could hit because of your ignorance that you called, 'guts.'" Said Timothy.

" Ignorance is bliss." Said Timothy.

" I learned a thing or 2 about how ignorance is negative or positive but in this case it's negative." Said Timothy.

" You know me very well don't you?" Asked Anthony.

" We're practically the same person." Said Timothy.

" I really don't see it." Said Anthony.

" It's so obvious." Said Timothy." What is it?" Asked Anthony.

" Maybe I do have a multiple personality disorder." Said Timothy.

" What's your proof?" Asked Timothy.

" Should I call the hospital again?" Asked Anthony.

" How many times have you called them?" Asked Reginald.

" More than I can count." Said Anthony.

" Ha-ha, funny." Said Timothy with a blank expression on his face.

" I have other things to do other than being harassed by you dip wads." Said Timothy.

" Like what?" Asked Anthony?

" Like having to go to Zwergland." Said Timothy.

" Why do you want to go to the world of gnomes?" Asked Reginald.

" I have to go meet a client." Said Timothy.

" Don't you mean clients?" Asked Erizio?

" How do you know?" Asked Timothy.

" I can interact with technology and it doesn't help that I meddle with other people's business." Said Erizio.

" Whatever." Said Timothy.

Timothy then waved his hand and summoned a portal in front of him.

" Something tells me that this is going to be easy negotiating." Said Timothy.

" What makes you say that?" Asked Reginald.

" Well, I'm going to be taller than them and the taller you are the scarier you are to them." Said Timothy. Timothy had taken a few steps and bumped into what he though was a tree.

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