Chapter 50

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"Why am I so dumb in the future?" Asked Timothy

"Huh?" Asked the stranger

"Can you call him some stupid name for goddamn's sake?" Asked Timothy

"And you wonder why this book is so boring?" Asked Timothy

"Wow I've changed." Said Patrick.

"Could be worse." Said Timothy

"Whatever business is business." Said Patrick as he shook his hand making it a blur

Patrick then slowly started to move his hand towards Timothy's chest. Suddenly a gust of wind struck Timothy and Patrick in the chest leaving a gaping hole in Timothy's chest and in Patrick's chest.

"Well, now that he's dead now what?" Asked Hades.

"Well, we must find the real chosen one then." Said Oracle

"What do you mean, this is the chosen one?" Asked Hades

"The chosen one was supposed to be found dead in a couple of years prior to this, this was never the chosen one, we needed him to believe that so we could trigger the events to find the real chosen one." Said Oracle

"So we had to kill someone, just to find a person who is going to die soon?" Asked Hades

"Yes and no." said Oracle

"We can still change the course of time, so she doesn't die." Said Oracle

"So it's a girl?" Asked Hades

"Yes and no." said Oracle

"Again with the confusing yes and no, can't you just be blunt every time you speak?" Asked Hades

"If I was, I wouldn't be a fortune teller now would I?" Asked Oracle

"But the person we're trying to find will lead us to the real chosen one." Said Oracle

"So let's go find her." Said Hades

"In due time, in due time." Said Oracle

"We're going to have to wait aren't we?" Asked Hades

"Patience is key." Said Oracle

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