the longing - 1.5

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do you remember the night we wrote our stories with the stars?

the daesang. 2016,december

our first best artist of the year award.
i had almost cried on stage while making the thanking speech.

you had cried.
and i had pulled you closer.

fans thought it was cute.
i did it out of instinct, you know.
you cry, i comfort.
and vice versa.

my mind was clouded that time.
my adrenaline was running wild.

i had made it.
i, kim namjoon, a little nerd from ilsan, had made it as one of the top rappers in korea.
i, a loser, had made it to the top with my real family.

i will never forget that feeling-
that feeling of pure euphoria.
we were all crying.
i couldn't clearly see the audience
i heard them.
i saw a huge mass of people cheering,
cheering for us.

they were glowing.

i looked at you as you covered your mouth,
and i felt happier.
i had made it to the top with you.

the rest of the night was filled with congratulations,
and cheers,
and more singing.

then, we came back
to the dorm.

the dorm.

it all started here.
one day, i was sixteen, and i was here, then yoongi hyung and hoseok came,
and then,
by some miracle,
you came.

you asked me, when we returned,

for some unknown reason, you always loved roofs,
high places,
where it was cold and quiet.

we laid on the rooftop, staring at the stars that night,
a bottle of champagne passing between us.

"it's not working," you said suddenly.

i didn't know what you meant,
but you got up and asked me to wait.
you went down to the dorms
and brought back a bottle of vodka.

"for old times' sake."

i smiled wide.
you remembered.

fame and money hadn't charred your mind and spirit.
you remembered things we did when we were younger, when our futures were uncertain, and our hearts wild.

we got drunk that night on the rooftop.
the others didn't come by to disturb.
we passed the bottle of vodka back and forth,
and reminisced old times.

"i'm glad i made it with you, namjoon," you said.

and for a fleeting seconds i thought -
hoped -
that maybe you'll be able to return my feelings some day.

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