Goodbye, I love you

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April 7, 2017 : 116
It's the last, goodbye...

Its hard, so hard to say
To sag Goodbye to you
When I know that this would be the last day
I get to see you

The tears are falling slow
I will miss you so
It will be so difficult
A wound throwed on with salt

As much as I want
I don't want to say goodbye
I dont want to let you go
But I have to brave, for you

All your words will be forever in my heart
The words you said from the very start
So you won't feel that far
Who would've known it would be this hard

I can't believe time goes by this fast
I don't want to believe this will be our last
Our last hug
Our last conversation
Our last talk
Our last walk
Our last everything.

So hard to watch you go
How fast the first's can change
To last's.

I won't forget you
You're the best
Very different from the rest
The way you do the test (lmao)

Its so scary to get attached
When not everything will stay
That our first "Hello" "Hey"
Will turn to "See you" or "Goodbye"

Why do you have to leave?
It will be hard to fit someone in
In the hole you left
Everything won't be the same
After you're gone
After you have left me all alone
I'm gonna be here crying on my own
Wishing you will come back
And I will get to say hello for the second time around

But for now, GOODBYE. I love you~

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