You Are My Favourite Human! Orihara Izaya X Reader Part 6

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A/N : Finally this is an update! Thank you so much for waiting this long, guys. I hope you enjoy.

Izaya dragged you. "Woo.. Where are we going?" You asked,trying to catch up to his speed. "To my favourite place!" Izaya replied cheerfully.
You arrived to his so-called favourite place. "Long time no see, Simon." Greeted Izaya to a tall, strong man in a kimono in front of the shop. "Oh Izaya.. Hello to the pretty lady behind. Enjoy our sushi!" welcomed the man. "Hello.." you greeted back. "Let's go inside." You guys found a place inside, with Izaya sitting opposite you. You was still looking at the menu while Izaya ordered the waitress, "one fatty tuna with rice." "Hmm.. Do you always eat fatty tuna here?" You started to get curious when he didn't even watched the menu. "Of course. It's my favourite here." "Oh, I see." You made your order and the waitress left.
*Why do I have to celebrate with him?* you thought. Whatever, you didn't have anyone to celebrate for your success since Anri, Shinra and others were busy with their lives. But felt glad Izaya was there for you.
The silence was broken by Izaya. "So, (first name) chan, I must say you are a pretty intelligent lady. Sending the message to my personal number, how on earth did you get these information easily?"
You chuckled. "I have my ways, Izaya kun.." In reality, you only got his two business numbers. Shinra was a great help. "The plan was impressive though. I have never thought there would be a super interesting lady like you." "You are praising me too much, Izaya kun. I bet you are better than me."  Izaya chuckled. "So tell me. Do you like observing humans?" Izaya looked into your eyes. You smiled, gazing back into his eyes. "Yes but I am not mad enough to go stalking people or have big schemes like you." 
"Woo.. You already knew much about me." Izaya chuckled a little. "Then what do you obeserve people for?"
"Selling information and sometimes a little play with their lives." You bluntly stated since you knew you were in the same boat as him. "But that was long ago though." You made a mixed smile of bitterness and sweetness. As soon as he heard this, his devilish smirk appeared. "Don't you ever want to be like the old you again? Just only for an hour after your work? I gurrante this town isn't boring. Since we are in the same page, why don't you join me as a co worker, (first name) chan? Of course, I will be paying you." You surprised and fell into silence. Izaya was smirking and studying your moves. Thinking back to your past, you were quite a successful information broker but then you suddenly became bored and stopped. You have helped some of your friends with some information and made some discoveries for your enjoyment but you have never thought of becoming a proper information broker again. Even if you wanted to return back to your old life, you couldn't trust Izaya easily. It wasn't about money but deep inside you wanted to work with him. You somehow wanted to trust him. You were in deep thought that you didn't realize the waitress had served your orders. "(First name) chan, I suggest you eat before it gets cold." Disturbed by his words you came back from your thoughts and started eating so did he. You took a quick peek at Izaya who was eating his food rather happily and noticed he has good table manners. But then you realized, *two people of the opposite gender eating together means DATE!* You started to feel warmth on your face. He did even drag you by your hand the whole way, remember? Plus, he was handsome and you couldn't deny that you two looked like a couple. *I would die than date him* You angrily popped the food to your mouth. "Hmm?" Izaya looked up and smirked. "I feel bad for the rice. Are you okay?" You heard his sudden voice.
"Yes, I'm okay!"
He chuckled a little making a "No, you are not" face. After eating his food, "I will leave my office address. Come visit me when you are interested." He placed the card in front of you on the table. "Congratulations, (first name) chan. I have already paid for the meal. Excuse me for now.." Izaya got up from his place and started to leave.
"Eh? Wasn't I supposed to treat you?"
He laughed. "Maybe next time." He waved. "And see you again."
You were in thoughts on your way back home. *Dollars, yellow scarves, Celty the black headless rider, the guy called Shizuo Heiwajima who you met on your first day in Ikebukuro, the slasher incidents and Izaya Orihara...* after all Izaya was right about Ikebukuro. There were too thrilling things here to get enough information. You were curious. You wanted to find out the stories behind them. You made the decision.
After a few days,
*ding dong* you rang the doorbell. It was opened by Izaya Orihara. He smirked when he saw you. "It seems that you have made your decision.."
"Yes but remember only for a part-time job."
"Your wish.. You are always welcomed here." He gestured inside and you stepped into his territory.

You Are My Favourite Human! Orihara Izaya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now