016 | Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe that today we were going to sorrento. I'm so excited. I was born in sorrento but grew up in Ireland obviously. We were leaving early this morning since you have to go through security and everything two hours before hand, our flight leaves. Another thing which is exciting is Mum and Erika showed up yesterday and they are coming with us. I really have missed mum and Erika, I mean I go from seeing them every single day to facetiming them every other day but not seeing them, it's hard but I know it wasn't forever and it was because I was with my sister and her family.

"Seraphina it's time to get up, you need to get dressed" I heard a voice speak softly to me "but I want to sleep" I grumbles hearing a laugh which reminded me of Jonathan's. "come on, you can sleep on the plane" Jonathan then spoke. I didn't want to wake up, I was tired. "Fine but you need to leave so I can get dressed" I responded with my eyes still shut, I still sensed Jonathan kneeling beside the bed and I also guessed he was Vlogging "come on then shorty" Jonathan told me making me open my eyes and give him evils.

"Less on the evils now" he jokes with me as he leaves the room and I climb out of bed, I sorted my outfit out yesterday so I only had to dress myself. I removed my pyjamas, pulled on some underwear and pulled on a floral Poppy pink playsuit along with a grey cardigan which happened to be longer than my actual playsuit. I slipped on a pair of socks before sitting in front of the make-up vanity and brushing my hair, I pulled it up into a messy bun and add a coral flower headband.

I pulled a simple black choker around my neck and two bracelets to my right wrist before grabbing my silicone unicorn phone case and added that to my phone.

I went down the stairs yawning as I grabbed my white all star high top converses which were beside my suitcase and Carry on bag, I slipped my feet into my shoes and laced them up before going through into the kitchen "would you like anything now o...

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I went down the stairs yawning as I grabbed my white all star high top converses which were beside my suitcase and Carry on bag, I slipped my feet into my shoes and laced them up before going through into the kitchen "would you like anything now or grab something at the airport?" Anna asked me as I saw mum and Erika in the kitchen aswell. I was too tired to function let alone eat anything. "I'm not really hungry" I grumbled with another yawn going to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water which I opened and drank. Jonathan got a text saying our uber was here. We all went out and got into the car after loading out luggage into the boot.

We arrived at Gatwick airport at 5:20 am and I was getting really excited since we're going to sorrento but I was tired and wanted to sleep. We went through security and I yawned as we sat down in the waiting room since our flight still doesn't come in for another hour. "Mum, Anna, Jonathan I'm just heading to the toilet, I won't be long" I told the three adults seeing Emilia look up at me "in need to pee too" she spoke softly and I nodded

"I'll take Emilia with me" I told them taking my niece hand and head towards the toilets which were nere some shops, I decided I would take Emilia into the shop and buy her and Eduardo some sweet after we've been to the toilet. I took emilia towards the toilets and took her inside to help her with her trousers letting her use the toilet before telling her to wait by the door while I used the toilet. I then helped her wash her hands and I washed mine too.

"Shall we get you and Wardo some sweeties for later on?" I asked the younger girl on left of me as we left the toilets "yes pwease Sara" Emilia responded sweetly making me smile widely making me grin as we walk into W.H.Smith and I take Emilia to look at the sweets. She chooses some and I pick some out for Eduardo, I also grabbed a snack for myself and the others before heading to pay and take everything back to the waiting room handing things out what I had brought everyone.

Half an hour later we were boarding the plane, I was sat next to Erika who had Emilia on her other side, I was sat by the window which I liked. Sitting by the window on a plane is fun well for me it is. I like to watch the sky go by, I like watching as you go up past the clouds and fly in the sky; something about it is just, soothing.

"The exits are here, here and here" the flight attendant smiled pointing at all directions as we prepare for take off "ladies and gentlemen please put your seat belts on and put all electrical items away as we will now be taking off, have a good flight and goodbye" a voice spoke through the intercom as I felt us beginning to move.

We were soon in the sky and I was allowed to put my headphones in so I did so, I closed my eyes and before I knew it I had fallen into a dreamless sleep only to be woken up hours later "Seraphina were going to be landing soon, you need to turn your phone off and put your belt on" Erika tells me as I open my eyes. I had to admit I felt refreshed and wide awake. I turned my phone off and wrapped my headphones around my phone before quickly putting my seat belt on as the plane lands. "Thank you for flying with us today" a voice speaks as we all get off the plane.

I fling my carry on bag onto my back and walk with Erika off the plane "so have you enjoyed staying with Anna and Jonathan for the summer?" My older sister asks me when we get separated from everyone else "it's been so much fun, I didn't expect to go to France" I smiled feeling something weird about spending time around Anna, like she is hiding something from me.

"E is their something Anna could hide from me? I have gotten the feeling that the last few weeks she's.. I don't know like she's hiding something from me" I ask my older sister biting my lip a little hard. "I wouldn't know Sara, maybe she just loved having you around or something" Erika shrugged in response and I decided to drop the question as we finally find Mum, Anna, Jonathan, Emilia and Eduardo "where did you two get to" mum asked us and I shrugged "we must have just got caught in the crowd, one minute you were in front of us and then you were gone?" I responded wondering how we had got separated from everyone, surely it could have been possible.

We soon got a mini bus too the hotel which was lovely and I couldn't wait to see what our rooms were going to look like, when we had signed in to the hotel we went to our rooms, mum had a single room which was next door to mine and Erikas  and we were on the same floor as Anna, Jonathan and the kids. Our hotel rooms looked amazing and I loved it. I could definitely tell that this holiday was going to be amazing and I couldn't wait for it to start.


I hope you enjoyed and it's been ages since I updated but it shouldn't be long untill I update again,  I hope so anyway

Jess xx

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