Chapter 1

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Innocent sins

It was cold. The full moon hung high in the sky, surrounded by diamond like stars. The skaters' tracks left a delicate lace pattern over the frozen lake and the frost covered trees glittered in the moonlight.

A lone child walked by the lake. Her long scruffy brown hair whipped around her head. She liked the cold. It was calming to her. No one was around to question the whereabouts of her guardian, nor did she have to listen to the townspeople's frantic babbling about the mystery thief, but she wouldn't be alone for long, soon she would be in town. First she would have to find some shelter, it would only get colder as the night drew on, and she couldn't afford to be ill.

The small girl hurried over the hard frozen ground leaving the lake and surrounding woods behind. It was roughly two miles into town, and would take her a little over an hour and a half to reach it.

The town of Buckleton was not the largest in the south but it was hardly the smallest, with its muddle of houses ranging from the wooden huts just inside the extensive fifteen foot walls to the well built stone houses in the centre belonging to the main figures in the town: it had character. The surrounding walls kept out most of the wind, meaning the town could seem several degrees warmer than just outside the walls. In the day the streets were filled with people milling around and the sound of voices and hooves on the cobbled streets filled the air, but by the time the town clock struck ten pm it was rare to find a single soul on the streets. They took on an deathly silence and the shadows seemed to engulf the street making it hard to see anything, any noise seemed magnified ten times over.

Once reaching her destination the girl pushed the trap door aside revealing the tunnel into the centre of the town. Unknown to most it was built as an escape route, in case such a thing was ever needed. It was pitch black down there and it was a good thing she knew every twist, turn, bump and crack in the place. Not too far from the exit was a shelter. She had made it a few weeks earlier when she realised that she would need somewhere to stay whilst keeping an eye on the town's events.

The next morning the town hall was packed, the dainty red brick exterior looked ready to crack. One lady in particular took the small girl's attention. She was tall with raven black hair swept up in an intricate design. Her skin was of a warm caramel colour and her eyes gave the impression that they where well cut emeralds glittering in the dim light. She spoke with an assertive voice commanding those around to listen.

"As you all know, we the townspeople of Buckleton, were robbed of our right to live off this land. One week ago a man of medium height was seen leaving the Building of Documents. I have been told that this man had bright auburn hair and was built like a warrior. Now as we all know that document was kept in a place so that we could all own it, but now one man owns it, this man has taken our dignity, our livelihood and our land! There is only one man who has a description like that...his name Harold Jenkinson. We must find him. We must have our dignity returned." Her voice rose until she got her main point.

Harold Jenkinson was a quiet man who spoke to few people. His days were spent working the earth to earn the money to eat and live. Being an unsocial man he had no friends to correct the accusation made against him, and people's opinions of him were swayed easily as no one knew his personality. Harold Jenkinson's house was more of a hut, made of wood it had one room with a fire pit in the centre. The enraged shouts and accusations could be heard streets away through his flimsy hut walls. Once they reached roughly one street away they became silent so as to surprise him.

The loud knocking rocked the small hut causing Harold to look up. Startled realisation dawned and fears started to shoot through his brain like arrows, each one piercing his chest. 'Why do they think it's me ? Will they kill me? Will I get a fair trial?...of course not.' All he had ever wanted was to live off the land; nothing extravagant, just a simple life with no interruptions. Now he would die, for no reason. Nobody noticed the small girl leaving the back of the group, walking back towards the centre of town.

The Documents' Building was located in the east of the town centre, it was a quaint building with patterns carved over the grey stone facade and a tall slate roof. The building was heavily guarded and held the town's records and freehold documents.

The building was, for once, teeming with people as they investigated the robbery. Many people watched them work, surrounding the building. The small girl stood towards the edge of the crowds, still retaining a good view but remaining hidden by everyone else. Soon she would be able to go back to her old nurse from before the necessity to hide, when she had collected enough information.

A few days later she was ready. The winds whistled around her as she walked past the lake and into the woods. The frozen leaves of the forest crunched under her flimsy shoes. The deeper she went the darker it became. The trees seemed to be closing in on her, getting taller and taller. Something was wrong. The small wooden cabin was dark, the door wide open, the fire blown out and the ashes scattered over the cold floor. A woman's body lay in the centre of the room her head at a abnormal angle, her eyes lifeless and her skin cold. She was dead. The small girl rushed through the door. Once she reached the woman she burst into tears.

The last person she knew was dead, everyone she knew seemed to end up dead, it wasn't fair. She closed her eyes and for the last time she held the woman's hand but this time she was telling herself that it would all be alright.

As she clutched the woman's hands her fingers brushed against a piece of paper, scrawled on it was a note her nanny's last words to her:

'Anna, you must leave. Your uncle has found us.

Take only the essentials and hide. You must take back the town in time, it was your father's last wish.


Anna jumped up and ran through the trashed cabin avoiding the shattered furniture. Once she reached her room she went to the wall, counted five steps and removed the tile on the floor prising it up with her little finger. Concealed in the hole were the papers proving her existence and claim to the land, and a small box. Inside the box was her mother's locket, the only surviving thing she had left of her. Placing the locket around her neck she stood with confidence and a new found strength. She would fulfil her father's wishes and take back the town from her murdering uncle.

Grabbing an old bag from under her bed frame. Anna placed everything she owned into it , along with some perfectly forged documents claiming that she was fourteen years old, just old enough to work legally. Taking one last look around the room Anna grabbed the grubby bag from the floor and ran.

The cold winds were harsh as Anna ran through the woods. She had never ventured this far into the woods and it scared her. The ominous pine trees blocked out almost all the light making it hard to see, but she knew she couldn't give up she had to get to Tenburry, there she could find work and wait until the time was right.

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