Chapter 3

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The dirt road was narrow and uneven with roots and small plants sticking up as if nature was trying to reclaim it. The road led straight passed Arnold's house which was hidden behind a tall gauss thicket.

The house itself was a cottage design with beautiful azelias growing up the front. The windows and doors had been painted green complementing the garden that surrounded the house which was brimming with wonderful smelling herbs and flowers of all kinds.

Tapping on the door Anna realised that the knocker although slightly rusted was of her father's crest, which had nearly been completely destroyed after his death. Several minuets passed before she heard the door creak open. Through the crack an elderly man poked out a long thin nose.

"Who are you? What do you want? ...Go away I'm busy" he spoke with a crisp voice.

"Arnold?... it's Anna and I need your help."

The door swung shut with a bang, Anna stood frozen in shock, after several minuets of frantic scrabbling drifting out from behind the door, it shot open and Arnold stood beaming down at her. his white hair was was noticeably neater and his eyes far less bleary with the thick lenses balanced precariously on his nose.

'Come in, come in. How are you? Is there anything you need?' He said at such speed that it was almost incomprehensible.

Walking in Anna cautiously looked around, the hall was short with barely enough space to walk down, it was cluttered with books, scrolls, pots, pans and all matter of ornaments. The lack of light and floor space meant Anna had to weave through the tight space hopping from one gap to another, nearly falling several times, Arnold sped in front of her knowing by heart the twisted route he had to take, nimbly jumping here and there with far too much energy for such an old man. Opening the closest door he waited impatiently for her to hop the short way. Once she finally covered the short distance he ushered her in to the front room which had such a warmth to it the fire crackled heating the space while providing a soft glow around the room.

He directed her to one of the chairs next to the fire, sitting opposite her he motioned her to begin her explanation, so she began, she began to tell him of the joy that had been taken from the town, of the hundreds who had left, of the pain inflicted secretly on those who disagreed and finally of her plan to reclaim her town. Many hours and cups of tea later the had come up with a perfected plan that should work as long as they retrieved one last piece of information from the grasp of her uncle.

They would leave that night and start the relatively short but perilous journey to Buckleton.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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