Chapter 2

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The edge of the woods drew closer and closer, Anna could almost see the town walls. Picking up her pace in excitement she missed a tree root and went tumbling to the ground dropping the bag in the process. Cursing at her clumsiness she checked for injuries, once fully satisfied that she was alright Anna picked up the bag and continued at a more steady pace. She approached the wrought iron town gate with caution, doubts raced through her mind. Would they even let her in? But to her surprise the guards seemed to be half asleep and waved her through with little more than a G'day Miss.

Once inside she headed straight for the centre of town going door to door asking if any household needed extra hands. Finally just before sundown she was accepted by a large family who had been looking for an extra maid. She would stay here until she turned sixteen then she would return to her hometown and claim back her life.

Today was Anna's sixteenth birthday, except everyone in this household thought that it was her eighteenth. Four years ago when Anna was just twelve years old she had joined the Frances household as a maid under the name Ebony Edwards, all if her papers promised that she was a fourteen year old orphan from Atlantia.

Anna awoke with a jump as a loud crash of thunder rumbled over head followed by the pattering of rain on the roof and the tip tapping of the leaky roof. She was late, even if it was her birthday and her last day here she should have been up hours ago to start on the breakfast and cleaning. Throwing on her apron Anna ran down the stairs, only to find all her work being done by some one else. Going into the kitchen Anna turned to Grace the head cook and mother figure of the workers.

"Grace" Anna whined "why is every body doing my jobs it's not fair on them!"

"Now, now Ebony whining is not attractive, anyway it's your last day here you wouldn't want it to be stressful now would you."

"Fine, what should I do now then?"

"Go find Mrs Frances. She'll give you some better clothes for your travels, dear."

Turning Anna yelled a quick thank you before running to find the lady of the house.

Once fully packed Anna's possessions fitted with room for food into a small bag. She picked up the bag, thankful the rain had now subsided and descended the stairs for the last time. By the front door stood every servant and family member in the household waiting to say good bye to their beloved friend and maid Ebony. Smiling sadly Anna said good bye and walked out the door.

The usually cheerful street was quiet and empty and the grey sky loomed above her. Anna would now have to make the two day trek to Arnold Landings' house and from there they could make their way back to Buckleton and with his help she could reclaim what should be hers.

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