Episode Four: Meteors #11

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Lannister watched as his crew began to assemble. Jack and Zeta found their seats across from him and gave him a nod. Walsh had a cup of coffee and was chatting with Iokina. Fox arrived just as Lannister was getting ready to call the meeting to order.

"Okay, well, I guess this is getting pretty routine by now," Lannister said. "Afternoon debriefing. Anyone got anything to report?" Please have something. Something minor and good news.

After the afternoon debriefing Lannister had his final big hurdle of the day, the press conference. Lately they had all been of the same mold. Five minutes of "We are getting closer to having diplomatic ties. No new details to report." They were producing energy at full capacity, but no, they had no idea when the grid on the surface would be able to utilize said load. Any questions?

And from there it would be forty-five minutes of questions about theoretical meteors and other disasters that had never bothered anyone aside from a few science-fiction fans. Now each new possible scenario was an almost certainty, and each required a thorough response from the Consortium about how they would protect Earth.

"We do have some big news," Jack said. "You wouldn't mind sharing the podium with the president?"

Lannister startled. "The president? Of course not. He's coming?"

"Soon," Jack said. "But not today. He will be projected up here, simultaneous with a live cast at the White House. Seemed fitting for the announcement."

"Are we to be privy to this announcement?" Walsh asked. Sometimes they were, others time not. It was all part of the political game.

"Yes," Jack replied. "It's pretty major, but shouldn't be a surprise. Sarasvat issued a statement that she would host a Council of Orbits and Objects if the world leaders of this planet call on her. We're going to make that call, take the lead in this."

Lannister smiled. "That's the America I serve," he said. "I will be proud to stand next to him for that announcement."

"I thought so," Jack said. "Plus it should help alleviate some of these fears."

"And it might not be the biggest issue we have," Zeta put in. "But it's common ground between our people. Nobody in their right mind wants a rogue body to slam into the planet. Maybe this will foster more cooperation."

"By the watcher, let's hope so," Iokina said from Walsh's side.

"I just wish we knew more about where these rumors came from, who started them," Lannister said. "Still, it will be good to put the worries to rest. Anything else?"

"Actually Iokina and I had an idea as well," Walsh said. Lannister looked at the two of them. Walsh blushed ever so slightly and Lannister wondered if the idea had been conceived at work, or off duty. He let the thought go. He'd resigned himself to the fact that this was, truly, a civilian post. What his staff did in their off time was their own business.

"Go ahead," he said.

"Well, the problem with utilization of energy comes down to the grid below, right? It's too outdated to accept a huge new load easily."

Lannister nodded.

"And banks have been working away around the lack of an exchange system by speculating in energy investments mostly."

Lannister nodded.

Iokina leaned in and took up the idea. "We could build a small energy block producer. Sell the blocks."

Lannister had seen energy blocks on his tour of the station. They were large rectangles that were essentially giant batteries. "Can they be adjusted so people on the Earth can use them?"

"Easily," one of the tech crew answered.

"Our thoughts are that the actual physical exchange will be handled by a company on the surface. The individual won't have to touch the block or use the energy. They simply provide the cash to facilitate the transfer."

"To what end?"

"To create currency," Walsh said. "We could set up booths and trade Consortium credits for cash, with approval from both governments, of course."

"Of course," Lannister said. "Though I imagine they will say yes. It's a brilliant plan. Thanks."

Walsh blushed.

"I'll talk to Command about that. For today, we have a council to announce. Unless someone else has a brilliant idea they'd like to share?" No one else did. Lannister dismissed the briefing and headed for the press conference, a new spring in his step. 

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