Episode Five: Adam #16

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"You wanted to see me?" Zeta asked Sophia. They stood together in the lounge of the medical unit.

Sophia shushed her and then pointed toward the treatment rooms. She started leading Zeta down that hall. Katja joined them. Out of the corner of her eye, Zeta noticed Shana sitting in the lounge, talking to some American.

Katja followed her gaze. "We do more long-term stuff down here than the other offices. It make senses. Which brings us to . . ."

They reached the end of the hall. She could hear Bankim's voice. "We need to wash this spot." There was the sound of splashing and a child's laughter.

Sophia made a gesture with her head. Zeta peeked around the corner. Bankim was standing in front of treatment tank, inspecting Malika. "No, again," he said, his voice light. Malika made an exaggerated gesture of holding hir breath, and Bankim dunked hir again. Zie came up giggling almost uncontrollably.

Zeta stared at Sophia in shock. "Is Bankim . . . playing?" she whispered as they went back down the hall. "With Malika? Has he changed so much?"

"No," Katja warned. "When it comes to the mother, Sophia handles her mostly. But with the child . . . let's just say that Bankim is having the same conversion his mother had. It's one thing to be against an idea. Another to be against a child."

"But we figured, given your history," Sophia said, "that you would want to see that side of him."

"Yes, thank you," she said as they reached the lounge again.

Shana came over to them. "Good day, Zeta. How are you?"

"Well, thanks. Malika is in good hands, I see."

"Yes, I am very pleased with the care here." She paused a minute. "And have you contacted your boss?"

Zeta sighed. "He wants an investigation and report. I don't know what Legal will do with it."

Shana nodded. "I suppose we'll find out, won't we?"

"Well this little one is all done for today," Bankim said as he came down the hall with Malika, still wet from a shower, hanging off one of his arms. He passed the child over to Shana. Zeta caught the look that crossed his face and knew Katja was right—Bankim hadn't fully come around—but he covered it quickly and treated Shana cordially, if coldly, while they made an appointment to see the child again in two days. Shana took Malika and left.

As Bankim headed on to his next case, Katja said. "We didn't report, just so you know. Dakshana—"

"Only thought she needed to," Zeta finished. "To cover herself."

"The last prosecutor was a hard case," Katja muttered. "The father got full penal. He's been stuck on Barthon for over six months already. They haven't seen him. If Diplomacy refers this back to the original jurisdiction . . ."

"I don't intend to," Zeta said. "But then Legal must decide what to do here."

A conflicted look crossed Katja's face. "I know, it will fall on the mother then. I wish . . . I mean, the deed is done. Why pursue the family now?"

Zeta nodded, not sure what to say. 

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