Episode Three, Eggs #3

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"Maka, Maka Jains," the man said and extended his hand towards Jack. In the time it took to reach out and take Maka's hand, Jack decided he didn't care for this "Maka, Maka Jains" very much. It was odd, he'd never disliked someone so quickly.

Maka was almost a head shorter than Jack, with dark hair that was laced with electric purple stripes dyed throughout. It was coifed back, a style that spoke of Shin Station. He wore a shirt with electric purple strands throughout and exaggerated shoulders.

Did Jack's double breasted vest and dark blue blazer look as ridiculous as Shin style? He liked to think it didn't, but cultures had different views of what was stylish and what was vain and overdone.

And yet he suspected that even other Shin people would find Maka overdone and vain. He pulled his hand back and smoothed his hair before leaning in and kissing Zeta's forehead.

Was there possibly a hint of jealousy in Jack's dislike for Maka? He didn't think of Zeta in that way nor was he particularly jealous with people he did think of that way. It had surprised him greatly to discover that Zeta had a boyfriend. She herself had announced this fact in a sheepish sort of way, as though she weren't entirely comfortable with the notion herself.

"Some business men from Shin are coming," she told him in their offices yesterday. "Including one Maka Jains, my umm, friend. Boyfriend, actually."

"Breakfast is ready, if you will," Peeta announced from across Lannister's main room. He gestured towards the table.

Lannister was there with a couple of his senior officers. Barry had just arrived back from Washington after closing their old offices for good. Both he and Barry were now on Shoshone Station full time.

Completing the breakfast guests were a handful of the Station's civilian council members. It was a big day for them. The bottom court was nearing completion. They had a large group of business men coming up from the surface to view the court and hopefully to buy or rent space when it opened. The business men from Shin would tour it later today and hopefully do likewise. The financial success of the station hinged on its power production, but the political future hinged on trade. High tech goods from Shin would attract visitors from the surface and Earth goods would attract visitors from the outlying stations, when all the bureaucratic tape was worked through. The mingling of the two would create contact and goodwill.

As the breakfast began Lannister said, "Jack, I haven't had a chance to see you since your last trip to the surface. Might I compliment you on your performance on Hard Line?"

Jack blushed and smiled. "It was nothing. Hopefully now Cheyenne can put all that ugliness behind her and focus on her children and her recovery."

"I will toast to that," Lannister said, raising a glass of orange juice.

"Cheyenne?" Maka said. "The war hero, Walker? Yes. Now she is on Shin and we feel as if she is our hero as well. Bringer of peace between our people, no?"

"Between us and the Consortium, yes," Walsh said. "Between you and the Chinese, not so much."

"They are buckling, though," Barry said. "They won't admit such a thing, accept direct diplomacy. Not yet, but they are buckling. They've resumed trade with the US. Pledged to accept this fishing treaty that no one thought Sarasvat would get passed."

"You can't underestimate that one, for sure," someone down the table added.

"So they won't deal with the Consortium directly?" Barry went on. "They won't challenge it either. Good enough for today."

"Indeed," Jack added.

"Speaking of today," Maka added. "The bottom court. Sometimes the captain will speak for a few booths ahead of time. Captain's privilege..."

"I've taken a very hands off approach," Lannister said with a scowl. "I am here to see this station operational and a credit to my country. I am not here for personal gain."

Jack's eyes narrowed. It wasn't jealousy he felt for Maka, he decided. It was protectiveness for Zeta. Maka didn't seem the type to take interest in someone like Zeta, but he did seem like the type to want an 'in' with the new station. He caught Zeta watching him watch Maka and they both blushed suddenly.

Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying the story.  

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