Jakyll and Hide

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I got up, popped my shoes and coat then went out. Jak and Jason left. I fallowed them in town. Far enough that they won’t see me but close enough to hear them.
“How much we getting paid?”
“Aren’t you worried about your hand?”
“Of course but it’ll be fun, no children or anything to protect.”
“Yep.” Jak pulled a paper out his trench coat pocket.” Now the targets name’s Render Mile, Blond, blue eyes, 18 and 6’6”.”
“Tall kid. What’d he do?”
“Kills for kicks, lady wants him dead for killing her brother.”
“Likes visiting clubs and bars in Phoenix.”
“There’s a little sketch of him.” He showed Jason the picture.
“Ugly fuck, bet his mom wishes she swallowed him.”
They both laughed. I don’t get it. 
They hijacked a cart and I hopped in the back at the last moment, hid behind the boxes. We speed to Phoenix, they were having a blast swerving around other drivers. I just felt sick.
Finally made it, they sat and watched for their target, once he arrived Jason walked up to him and asked. “You’re Mr. Miles right?”
“Who’s asking?” said the target. Jak moved in behind the target.
Jason pulled his hood down. “Mr. Shiki at your service. I believe your lives in danger, if I were you, I’d run and… Hide.” Jak stabbed threw his back.
“Rest in peace.” Said Jak. Both hopped back in the cart and took off. I could hear screams behind us.
“We’re clear.” Jak stood up and looked back. He looked straight at me. ”Oh shit.”
He hopped in the back.
“What? More guards? Royal guards?”
“No worse.” He slid his mask up.
“Solar?” he looked back.
“Hi.” I waved.
“Though you were asleep! What the hell are you doing here?! Do you know how dangerous this is?!”
“What do we do?!” said Jak. “Here come the guards!” he slid his mask back on.
“Anything!” yelled Jason.” Kid just hide and be quiet.”
I looked back to see guards speeding towards us.
“Pull over Jason!” one yelled as he rammed us. I slid to the front then back. “Hold on!” To what?! Jason took a wide turn ramming us into the guards. I flew up and out of the cart into the guard’s cart. I landed on a bow and arrows. Cut my hand. Hurt like hell. Jak hopped over and helped me up.
“You alright?” asked Jak.
A guard behind him slugged the back of him with a club. He flew of the side.
I grabbed the bow and arrows. I drew an arrow and aimed at the guard. He came at me with the club. I hopped back and released arrow, flew into his eye. He cried in pain. Jak climbed back in and stabbed the guard. The other guards he used Jason’s sword then picked me up and hopped back to the cart Jason was on.
“Jason you need to be more careful.” Complained Jak.
“I wasn’t planning on him being here!” He sounded pissed.
I sat in the back. “I think he’s okay, he kind of flew out of the cart but he shot a guy right in the eye. Kids a dead eye.”
“I don’t care, he shouldn’t be here.”
“Grr.” He sat down with me in the back, slid his mask up. “Sorry you had to see all of this.”
“It’s fine. Not the first time.”
“You sure you’re alright?”
“Well, my hand got cut when I flew over into the other cart.”
He pulled out some bandage and a cloth from his pocket. Everyone must be carrying that stuff but me. I gave him my hand, wiped it off and wrapped it up. “This’ll stop it from getting infected.”
“Is he alright?” asked Jason.
“He just cut his hand.” Jak replied.
When we got back Jak went straight to bed, Jason was being a jerk and made me sleep in Leos room. I sat on his bed staring at the ceiling as anxiety made it feel like it would cave in on me. The only light was the moons piercing threw the window.
Window… Outside I looked to the forest, feel the cool winds from it brush my hair. The town silent and empty, not a rat on the street. I could hear the house crick as the wind blew harder. Looked to the stars that sparkled in the sky. One star was red, stuck out in the bundles. Red like Feno, red like my eye, red like blood.
I sat on the swing and swung in the sound of silence. Purest of sounds. I wanted to sleep but I can’t by myself.
A whimpering broke the silence. I looked to see a puppy fall over. Looked hungry. I crawled back in the window, grabbed a left over pizza slice and set it in front of the pup. Watched him light up with joy as he ate it. I went back to the swing. He ran over and licked my feet.
“Do you have a name?” I asked.
He barked. Sadly I don’t speak dog.
He had pointy ears and was brown and white. Fluffy guy.
“How about Hachikou?”
He licked my foot again. I picked him up and set him on my lap. He was covered in dirt.” You need as bath Hachi.”
I brought him inside with me. Looked for the bathroom. Found it but it was a lot different than Jason’s. It had levers and a bit white oval tub. I messed with the levers to try and figure it out. One lever released hot water and the other cold. Jason needs one of these. I filled it up a bit so Hachi wouldn’t drown. Nice warm water. Scrubbed him with what smelled like blueberries but was soapy. Cleaned all the dirt off. Poor guy, I could see his ribs. He needs more food.
Dried him off and he turned into a ball of fuzz. So cute. His fur was pure white it went perfect with his blue eyes. He fallowed me to Leo’s room. Fell asleep with him.
In the morning everyone was still asleep. I took Jason’s wallet, the bow I got from the cart and snuck out with Hachi. Went in town to a clothes shop, wanted to buy something to put on Hachi so he sticks out in the snow. Found a cool red bandana and tied it around his neck. Gave the guy selling it cash and he gave me some back. Weird.
Went into a food place. You apparently sit down and they bring you food, I sat outside because they don’t let animals in. Nice outdoor tables.
They handed me a thin book filled with names of foods and drinks. The waitress helped me with reading it and picking what to get. Got 2 breakfast sandwiches, hash browns, bacon and orange juice. Waited a bit and they brought me the juice. It truly was orange, so weird. Tasted good, like a fruit. Then came the food, smelled so nice. Burst of flavor, I gave Hachi half. Set him in a chair and gave him his half. He munched his down quick, I not much slower.
I could see someone running this way. Once closer I saw it was Jason. He grabbed me by the collar. ”What the hell’s wrong with you?! Running off by yourself, you don’t realize how dangerous that is! Why won’t you just fucking listen?! The worlds not all fun and games!”
“I know that you jerk! Hachi!” Hachi bit his ankle. He dropped me and kicked Hachi off him. Hachi made a dreadful sound, as if he was getting the wind kicked out of him. Hachi didn’t get up, just laid there. It was horrifying, Hachi was just trying to help me. “HACHI!!” I cried. I ran to Hachi. I picked him up and balled my eyes out. “He was my friend you jerk! I HATE YOU JASON!”
I ran holding Hachi in my arms. I ran into an alley and hugged Hachi. Jason walked into the ally. “GO AWAY YOU JERK!”
“I didn’t mean to hurt your pet. I took all my anger out on him.”
“Leave me alone.” I pulled my bow and drew an arrow. ”You should’ve just left me with Torus!”
“Then shoot me.” He threw his scabbard on the ground. “I’m an enemy of Torus, if you hate me so much shoot me. I’m sure Torus would approve.”
I felt my whole body shaking. I could see his smile under his hood, such a fake smile. He was shaking too. Why? “I know you can shoot.” His hood hide his eyes but I noticed a tear go down his cheek.
I let go of the arrow. Few right by his head. Guards came running. “It’s Solar Shiki.” Said Jason to the guards. They pushed past him and picked me up. Took my bow and threw Hachi. I freaked out on them but they over powered me and Jason just stood, just watched.
The guards took off my eye patch then knocked me out.

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