Need a Hand

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Night came and I still couldn’t get it off my mind. That night I dreamt of the man who saved me. I remembered his face. I remember his tired eyes, barely open. His short neat gray hair. He had no beard and looked younger. He smelled nice, like a camp fire in a forest. His clothes were black with red outline and silver buttons. He passed out and fell to the dirt. He laid there as I looked up to the sky.
I woke up to one of the dogs licking my face. Wiped my face and looked to see where Jason was. In my dream it was more of a flashback of Jason 4 years ago. He was so different. What happened? Looked like life was going well for him.
I looked around for him. Left, right, not here. I got up and wondered around. His jacket was still here but boots weren’t. He probably went outside. I popped my boots on and step out to see if he was outside.
There he was on the stairs puffing smokes. Smelled sweet. I went over and sat next to him.
“Mornin’ kiddo.”
I need to ask him. ”Jason what happened to you?”
“Ah so you remember then?”
“Not really but I remember when you saved me years ago you were so different.”
“What do you mean?”
“You looked so different.”
“People age.”
“Yeah but like you use to look like a proud happy guy and now your just faking it. You’re not happy. “
“What makes you think that?”
“Just look at you. You smoke and drink, have a bounty.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not happy.” He tossed the smoke on the ground and crushed it under his foot. “I just picked up some bad habits over the years and kinda like havin’ a beard.”
“Are you sure nothing happened?”
“I didn’t say nothing happened. A lot happened. You obviously don’t remember it all but do you at least remember your mom at all?”
“Nope. Nothing.”
“Dam, well do you know Torus?”
“Well Torus is the king here. My mom was his daughter and she died so he had no heir until me and Jak came along. Torus hates my dad with a passion and my dad hid us for so long he couldn’t change who we were. So instead of making me or Jak king, he thought I’ll just take one of their kids and he took you while I was away so I took you back by force and fucked up along the way. Then that dragon came along and I thought you were dead. Torus was pissed and thought I had you hidden somewhere so he put a bounty on me.”
“So you’re my dad?”
“Who’d you think I was?”
“I don’t know. You could’ve said something like Hi I’m your dad.”
“Thought you knew already. Guess you don’t remember anything.”
“Nothin’ but I kind of figured you were my dad but I think I kept putting it aside.”
“Don’t expect me to call you ‘dad’, Jason.”
“Didn’t think you would.”
“I’ve only known you for a few days what’d you expect?”
He laughed and patted my head. ”You know you’re really something else, Eriko.”
“And you’re an idiot, Jason.”
Jason’s so weird I never know what he’s thinking. It’s only been a few days but I feel like I’ve known him forever.
He stood up and stretched. ”To be honest the past few days have been the happiest I’ve been in years. Thanks kid.”
“Pfft yeah right, you looked pretty happy drinking that syrup.”
“Ha ha funny. You don’t know how awful that was.”
“You spat it right out.”
“Of course I did! It was a smart prank I’ll give you that.”
“To be honest I didn’t mean it.”
“Right?” he said sarcastically.
“Believe what you want.” I noticed his sword sparkling. “Back with the miners how did that sword make the guys disappear?”
“Magic. Now I need you to help me out with some boxes.”
“Boo. That sounds boring.”
“I’ll do it myself then.” He went back in, fallowed him in and grabbed my stuff. He came out his room with 2 boxes. ”Alright I need you to empty out those waffles from my bag.
“Aw why?”
“I need to put clothes in there.’ He had another bag and started putting in clothes. Filled it up with clothes from the boxes.
I emptied out the waffles and gave Jason his bag back and it put what was left. He grabbed his stuff, put on the bigger fuller bag and let me wear the lighter one. We said our goodbyes and headed back down by Phoenix. He had his hood and I my eye patch.
We hitched a ride on the road. Jason fell asleep on the ride. I sat silently looking around. Ahead were men in armor stopping carriages.  A whole long line of carts coming through and we were last.
Wonder what they want? I poked Jason but he didn’t care.
Once the guards got to us I could feel myself trembling. Why isn’t Jason doing anything? Are we fine? ”Jay.” I pinched his arm.
“They want you to step out for a second.” The guards were checking people for something.
Jason eyes opened. “Shit.”
He stepped out with his hands up. “The swords for show. Knife in left back pocket, front left there’s another knife in my wallet.” He said. I didn’t know he kept to pocket knives. Smart. One of the guards unsheathed the sword then took the scabbard off and set it with the knives.
“So where you headin’?” Asked the guard as he checked Jason’s wallet.
“Night Town sir.”
“Mind taking your jacket off sir?” He set it with the rest of Jason’s stuff.
“Not at all sir.” He did as the guard asked. Guard checked his hoods pockets.
“Mind putting your hood down?” We’re screwed.
“Will you arrest me if I don’t?” Guard pulled it down. “Why can’t I go one day without fighting?” And threw the hood off.
“Jason!” yelled the guard and went to grab Jason but got his elbow to the face. The other guards ran over. He didn’t have any of his weapons.
I stuffed his wallet in my pocket, grabbed his knife and sword. I grabbed the sword in its sheath and wacked one of the guards in the back of the head knocking him right out. I threw the knife to Jason, he caught it and jabbed it into one of the guard’s neck. I ran at another guard with the scabbard and knocked him down. Jason ran over and stabbed him in the chest. 2 more to go. Jason used one of their swords to decapitate another. One left. I went for him. He was on his knees with his hands up.
Time to die. I unsheathed the sword and I went to swing the sword at him but it stopped. I looked up to see Jason holding the end of the sword. “You don’t need blood on your hands. Don’t make yourself a killer.” His blood dripped down his wrist.
“Y-you touched the blade!” Will he disappear?
“Guess I did.” He took his knife and cut his hand clean off.
“J-Jason your hand.” I watched the blood pour from it. He grabbed it and burned it to stop the bleeding. I could hear him gridding his teeth from the pain.
I grabbed his jacket and hood. Helped him get them on, along with his back pack, and scabbard. Once all on, he picked me up with his only hand and ran. Ran and ran till we made it back to his house. He dropped me on the couch then went in his room and closed the door behind him. After a little while I went in his room to check up on him.
His was in bed panting. ”Did it! Just cleaned it up and god did it hurt.” He held his arm up. I could see he bandaged it up. The bandages had hints of red.
I climbed up on his bed. “I’m sorry, Jason.”
“Don’t worry about it. Are you hungry?”
“No. Are you?”
“You’re hungry.”
“I’ll grab you something to eat.” He got up.
“No its fine.” Tried to get him to lay back down but he stood up and went into the kitchen.
“I’ll be fine you should rest.”
“I cut my hand off. I’m fine. Also please don’t use my sword, it’s too dangerous for a kid to swing around, leave the fighting to me.”
“But now you only have one hand you’ll need all the help you can get.”
“I can buy a fake one once it heals up.”
“What about for now?”
“I need to be more careful. I should’ve listened when you tried getting me up.”
“Can you teach me how to fight like you?”
“You wanna fight? I can train you but for now let’s just eat.” he searched through the coverts for food. “You wanna go out for food?”
“Sure but will you be fine?”
“I’m a little tired but its fine we can crash at Jak’s, he doesn’t care.”
“While were in town remind me to get some groceries tomorrow.” He got his hood on and jacket. Struggled but he got it. ”Oh and don’t tell Jak about my hand, knowing him he won’t let me leave knowing I got one hand.”
“Get a change of clothes.”
I went through his bag and threw on whatever.
We walked to Jaks. He kept his hands in his pockets so he wouldn’t sick out. I still think we should’ve stayed home. Knock. Knock. Door cracks in a bit and I could see Jak peeping then opened it up. “Back already?”
“Yeah, sorry to bother you all the time.”
“I don’t care.” Jason tossed him his pack of cigarettes as we went in. I sat next to Jason on the couch.
“I got those cigs you wanted and I tried one, so my style.”
“Sorry I like mine sweet and not bitter like booze.”
“You got any, haven’t had any since yesterday morning.”
He clapped.” Congrats on not drinking for a day. Woo hoo!”
“Really? Fuck you, man.”
“So why you here?”
“I literally have no food at home, so I was wondering if we could stay for dinner then crash here.”
“Of course like usual. You got a kid to take care of, you need to stop slacking.”
“I know just need a bit time to heal up.”
“You’re hurt!? Where?”
“Don’t worry about it I took care of it.”
“Come on let me see it. I’m a legit doctor unlike you.”
“Does that mean people died on this couch?” I asked ‘cause if so that’s creepy.
“No one’s died on this couch but he might if he doesn’t let me see his wound!”
“I’m fine, okay?”
“You probably bandaged it up all wrong, you idiot. Stiches all uneven. Didn’t even clean the wound knowing your lazy ass.”
Jaks just trying to help him but he doesn’t want his brother to worry.
“I’m fine.”
“If you fine than do a push up.”
“If it’ll gets you to shut up.”
He got in a push up position and did a few with his only hand.
“Other hand.”
“One not good enough?”
He sighed and stood up. “I can’t.” then sat down next to me.
“Ah ha it’s your right hand. Let me see if it’s okay.”
He sighed. “I give up.” Pulled his hand or well stub out of his pocket. “You happy?”
“What the fuck did you do?!”
“I cut it off.”
“I cut myself with my sword on accident.” But I was the one with the sword.
“Well you’re fucked, well not completely. That magic stuff you showed me. Figured out a way to use it to heal but it won’t regenerate your hand also it uses not only my energy but also yours and you look like you’ve used some already or you’re just tired. Could be that the lack of alcohol in your systems weakening you?!” he loves messing with Jason.
“Oh shut the hell up.” He tossed Jak his wallet. ”Mind running to the store and picking me up a six pack, buy us all something to eat like a pizza? If you need a hand just take Eriko with you.”
“Ready buddy?”
We went in town with him. People waved at us. Guess everyone knows Jak. He said he was a doctor or something like that. I had my eye patch on just in case.
“How’s Jay been treating you?” he asked as we walked into a place that smelled like grease.
“Fine I guess.”
“Get in any trouble.”
“Twice. First time was my fault and the second he was too lazy to listen.”
“Sounds like him.” He ordered the said pizza stuff grabbed. “How about we not get him booze?”
“Is it bad for him?”
“Then don’t get him any. Stupid jerk should drink syrup instead.”
“You know he’s allergic?”
“Yeah I put some in a beer bottle and he drank it and barfed.”
“That sucks.”
“He deserves it.”
“He might seem like a jerk but to honest he’s a really good guy. Before he was running from the law he went around helping people out. He and I hunted down bad people for the king. It was hard but together we were unstoppable but we grew up and had families so I had to get my act together and get a safer job. Jason was better at hunting people then I was anyway. He ended up quitting and Torus was pissed. His best guy just quit.”
“Jason’s that good.”
“Not sure if he is anymore. Seeing that he drinks all the time, he gets money somehow.”
“Hunting people illegally.”
“So like he did before?”
“Yeah but not bad people, anyone.”
“Oh.” Killing anyone for cash.
“To be honest I help him out sometimes.”
“Oh. So why aren’t you in trouble for it?”
“I cover my face, we know what we’re doing.”
“Think one day I’ll be able to help?”
“I hope not it’s not a good job to have. Jason just can’t really have any other job. He’s gotta make money somehow especially now that he has you again. To be honest I’m surprised he didn’t send you to your mom.”
“What’s she like?”
“Shy, quiet, caring.”
“Sounds nice.”
We made it back. Jason was asleep on the couch. Jak tossed Jays wallet on his lap. ”Of course you’re asleep.”
“Just closing my eyes for a bit.” Jason replied.
I sat down next to him. ”We got you no drinks.”
He sighed. “You all suck.”
“You don’t need it.” Replied Jak. ”We got pizza coming in 30 minutes.”
He threw a pillow at Jak. ”Fuck you Jakyll.” Jakyll? Guess Jak was just a nick name? Next thing you know Leos name isn’t even Leo!
Jak giggled “Aw don’t be sad.”
“Where’s Leo?” I asked, I didn’t see him at all.
“He’s at his moms but he’ll be back next week.”
“Aw.” I wanted to go play with him.
“I know Jason’s so boring.”
“Can you stop picking on me?”
“But it’s so fun.”
Jak teased Jason till the pizza came. Smelled great, perfect combination of such simple materials. It was heaven. Warm cheese and soft bread. 2 pieces filled me up.
Waffles are now my 3rd favorite human food. Pizza has defeated its spot in second place.
I ended up falling asleep laying against Jason. I got up not much later to the sound of the door closing.

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