Chapter 5

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"IM DYING" I yelled.

"Your not dying" Nick said showing no emotion.

"Yes I am, Im dying of boredom. Being invisible is boring!" I exclaimed throwing my body on his lap as we sat on the very expensive white couch.

"Well your the one who agreed to it" Nick said as he simultaneously change the channels.

"In my defense-" I cut my sentence short when I was interrupted by the elevator bell.

"Nick we need help now!" Alex shouts running to his side. I quickly stood to my feet same goes for Nick.

"What happened?" He examines the insane amount of blood on Alex.

"Its not mine!"

"Then who's is it?!" I asked grabbing two fists full of shirt.

"His" Logan says holding Jack on one side while Jayce was on the other side supporting him.

Immediately I find myself jumping over the couch to get a better look at him. His blood dripping out on the hardwood floor. A gunshot wound to his side.

"Im-f-fine Z" Jack struggles to say.

"My room now!" Nick orders taking over for Jayce. Alex runs up the staircase to probably assist, leaving just Jayce and I.

"What happened?" I said through my gritted teeth.

"Lets just say Jack and I agreed to disagree." He runs his hands through his messy hair.

"Your bleeding" I told him, seeing his blood seeping through his shirt. I finally take in his appearance.

His white V-neck was covered in blood and what looks like rips from a knife. He was sweaty probably from running.

"Im fine' He assured waving me off. I walked over and tugged on one of the rips, causing it to rip even more. Revealing a nasty stab wound.

"Really your fine, don't be stupid Jayce." I walked into the spare bathroom and took out the fist aid kit.

He removed his ruined shirt and tossed it on the ground. He sat up on the counter while I cleaned his wound he groaned, he immediately grabbed me closer.

"Sorry reflex" He let go of my waist and clenched onto the counter.

"Its fine your in pain" I whisper and with that he hooked his feet trapping me between his legs. "What happened?"

"We got jumped and it caught us by surprise. Jack was distracted and had a clear shot for the guy to shoot him" He said looking away.

"Jack never gets distracted unless theres a good enough reason. Plus when you lie you look away from me. So why are you lying to me?"

He lets out a sigh. "Fine, Jack and I got into an argument earlier and we went our separate ways. Later on night, I got jumped along with Logan-"

"You split up?!" I cut him off earning a glare from him. "Sorry." I apologize for the interruption.

"Alex and Jack came in to help and thats when Jack and I got into another argument, distracting him and thats when he got shot" He explains.

"Seriously Im not stupid Jayce! What the hell happened out there?!" I slammed my fist against the counter.

He narrowed his blue ish green eyes, "Why don't you ask your best friend- oh wait never mind." He smirks totally satisfied at the fact that he got to me.

"Fuck you" I spat at him, making his smirk disappear.

"You know for a couple you seem to have a lot of secrets between the two of you. Best to let it out now. Its not good for the relation-"

"What are you talking about?!" I asked him totally confused as to why he's telling me this.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend, Jack. Its not really my story to tell." He finally un hooked his legs, setting me free. I turned around to walk out the door but then it hit me.

"Are you jealous?!"


"Are. You. Jealous" I repeated but slower this time.


"You and I both know we felt something a while back. But that is over now because I don't feel that way anymore. Nor will I ever feel that way!" I told him crossing my arms.

"Are you sure?" He takes a step closer making me a take a step back. He places one hand on my waist and the other behind my neck. I refused to look down at his muscular self. As Im backed up to the wall no where else to go, my heart starts to race.


"How bout now? Feel anything?" He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. I did the one thing that popped into my mind. I lifted my right leg, kneeing him where the shine don't shine.

"How bout now? Feel anything?" I mocked as he hovered over groaning.


Secrets and lies kill relationships. No matter how careful you are, you will get caught eventually.

"Remember the plan, stick to the plan" I over heard Jayce tell the others. I stayed in the kitchen snacking on some potato chips, ease dropping.

"You know its not nice to ease drop?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned my body to face a smirking Jack, with his arms crossed.

"I was not" I lied crossing my arms.

"You suck at lying" He says slightly amused at my surprised expression.

"No I don't and you swallow!"

"You choke."

"You blow!"

"You digest!"

"And you Saver!"


I cuffed my ear,"What, what was that? Did I stump Jack The Ripper? Thats right take the L"

He rolled his eyes while grabbing the dish towel. He whipped it at my thigh. I grabbed the towel, pulling it out of his hand.

"Shut up" He mumbles walking towards the exit but I held onto his forearm stopping him.

"Your not going are you?" I asked him.

"Yes I have to."

"But you got shot yester-"

"And... life goes on. Ive been shot plenty of times. Ill be fine, Nothing new."

"What happened out there, that night?"

"Jayce told you, we had a disagreement and I got distracted." He shrugs then turns his body to the exit.


"Fine don't believe me, Im still going."

"Its a stupid plan." He lets out a sigh at my sudden outburst.

"I know Z."

"Then why-"

"For an invisible person, you sure talk a lot." He snaps at me clenching his fists. Catching me off guard.

"Im going." I finally decided.

"What no your not!"

"Ill be fine, nothing new. Ive been through this plenty of times." I mocked him from his earlier comment.

"No, What happened to being in visible?" He crosses his arms.

"Ill be there to make sure you and Jayce won't have another disagreement. Unless there was never really an argument, and you made the whole story up." I crossed raising an eyebrow, standing my ground.

"Fine but no wondering off, You must stay with one of us. Got it?" He uncrossed his arms setting them at his sides. 

"Yes dad" I mumble.

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