Chapter 12

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What's life without a little risk? Live on the edge, right?

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What's life without a little risk? Live on the edge, right?

"Zo open your eyes"

"Nope!" I say holding on his waist for dear life.

"Trust me." I finally opened my eyes seeing him zip through cars on the freeway of his motorcycle.

"Holy crap how fast are we going?!"

"65 why?"

"It's a 30 mile!" I shouted at him, instead of him slowing down he sped up faster. 70... 80


"Live a little Zo! Feel the wind in your face and hair. Tune out of the world and focus on the engine roaring!"

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I listened to what surrounded me. Loud horns and cursing from others because Logan had cut them off, some cars blasting their music. I smiled as my nerves began to relax.

"Holy crap this is amazing!" I say causing Logan to laugh. We finally pulled over on the side along with the rest of the cars next to sidewalk. We started crossing the street to where there was a lot of food trucks.

"What is this place?" I say looking at the different varieties of trucks, tables to sit and eat and loud music. Families eating, couples dancing.

"It's called The Rulet, Best food ever! How have you not been here?"

"I've been busy" I shrug stopping in the middle of the walkway to take it all in. "What's good here?"

"The Steak and Frites, its very popular in Tahiti. Have you tried it before?" He asked walking towards a certain truck.

"No, nor have I been to Tahiti. What the hell is steak and frites?"

"It's french for Steak and Fries, and they have this special cheese sauce which is to die for!" Logan explains like a little kid in a candy shop.

I've never really seen him like this, usually his face is a resting bitch face, and he's been kinda snappy.

"Bonjour what can I get you" the old lady with a heavy french accent greets us as we walk up to the cashier.  When she finally looks up she smiles," Logan you have returned... and with a girl."

"Bonjour Tepua, this is my friend Zoe. Zoe this is Tepua, she provides for my Ava stomach." Tepua laughs at his comment as do I.

"Usual for you?"

"Yes thank you make that two, I'm not sharing mine" Logan hands her the money before we sit at a table near the truck.

"How did you find out about this place?"

"My mom would take me after school. We would get food and sit at the docks and dangle our feet over the water." He explains while twiddling with the salt that was provided at the tables.

"Here you go enjoy" Tepua hands us two to go plates with covers. I stacked both on top and stood up.

"Let's go" I say walking off.

"Where to?"

"The docks, duh..."

Once we got there we dangled our feet over the water. And began to eat our heaven in a box.

I began to moan," La Vache!" I swear in french. "This is good!"

"You know french?"

"Just the bad words" I wink at him earning an eye roll from him. "You know this might be the first time I hang out with one of you guys and not get in trouble."

"That bad huh?"

"You have no idea, I feel like every time I'm finally happy... something fucked up happens."


"Better hurry up before we get caught" Logan whispers as we sneak back in school. We cautiously walk down the halls.

Suddenly, we heard voices. Just as I was about to turn the corner Logan pulls me back to his side.

"What's the matter?" He peeks his head to see who the voices belonged to. He immediately pulled back, his face looked like he had seen a ghost. "What's wrong?"

Logan POV

Once I peeked my head, I saw guys with red bandanas around their mouths, wearing black long sleeved with army pants, AK47 strapped to their backs.


"What's wrong?"

"Um... Zoe go back to the class- but the other way around-"

"... But that's the long-"

"Zoe please...take this with you and stay low." I hand her a spare gun I had in the back of me.

"Wh- why?"

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?" I say looking into her worried eyes. She sighs and takes the gun. She tucks in the back of her pants having it pressed against her skin.

I watched her disappear turning the corner. I quickly took my phone out to call Alex.

"Bro they're here" I whisper into the phone.

"I know we're on lock down... all doors are locked. Know one can get in or out no matter what."


"So I can't get out of the classroom, I'm stuck. I'm sorry bro but your on your own."

"And so is Zoe, shit!"

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