Lana Frost - Valentines Love

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It's February 14th and a new story has arrived for Valentines Day. So enjoy and have a great Valentines Day! Mwah! Xx (Well, it's not anymore but lets pretend! <3 )

Lana Frost – Valentine Love

The road stretched further than I could see, like the way the ocean dropped off into nowhere. No cars passed me and I liked it like that, even when my feet started aching and sweat formed over my top lip. I laughed at nothing and swung around and around until I almost fell over. It was a free feeling, something almost pure.

The sky dimmed with dark clouds the more I walked and eventually I was drenched in rain. Water fell over me like waves and I just couldn’t care. Over the roar of the rain I could hear a beeping sound, I looked over my shoulder, pushing away my hair that was obstructing my view, to see two beaming headlights flashing at me through the dark. Panic settles over me; I shouldn’t be scared, I’ve been wondering all day by myself in the middle of nowhere.

The car veers over to the side of the road and rolls up beside me; I keep walking glancing at the faded Red P-Plates stuck on the front of the car. The car keeps up with me, the window rolled down and a voice floated out of it.

“Need a lift?”

look into the car window, but all I can see is the outline of a face.

“No thanks.” I say and turn my eyes back to the road in front of me. The car travels alongside me and from the corner of my eye I can see the light shimmer of teeth.

“It’s pouring down rain and it’s dark.” I recognise the voice to be male, a light laughter in his voice. “I swear I’m not a serial killer or anything, I’m just a guy on my way back home from soccer camp, offering a girl a lift.” I glance over at the car and finally come to a stop. The car also stops. I fold my arms over my chest and look at the guy feeling uneasy. What is it that all parents tell their children; don’t talk to strangers. So why am I talking to a stranger?

The guy smiles at me again, though I can’t see much more than the shimmery glow of his teeth in the headlights, and I feel the unease dim slightly. I round the front of the car and pull open the passenger door, the lights in the car turn and my jaw drops. My heart rate increases, hot and cold flushes run through my body and I think I just lost my breath.

I gasp in air, “Well I guess there’s nothing to be afraid of then, is there?” I hop up into the car and strap into my seat. The guy pulls back out onto the road slowly, careful of the wet ground.

“Guess there isn’t.” I watch the trees out the window slip past us with flashes of bright eyes from the wildlife. Sitting here in the car I feel a sudden relief from the safety of the outside rain and darkness. That doesn’t mean I’m safe from what’s inside the car though. “I’m Jasper Birch by the way.”

I glance back at the boy driving the car; the dim lighting allows me to see barely his outline - dark wavy hair and a straight nose, the rest I remember from the brief moment I first saw him.

“Lana Frost.”

“Well Lana Frost, what were you doing walking down this highway anyway?”

“Missed my bus.” I say, holding my backpack close to my chest. “The line to the ladies room was a bit long.” I don’t blush as I talk but I do feel a fleeting tinge of embarrassment which passes the moment that Jasper talks.

“That’s the great thing about being a bloke; you’re in your out. No massive line needed.”

I can’t help it; I laugh. My laughter dries out when the end of the highway finally comes into sight and I realize Jasper hasn’t asked me where to take me yet.

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