yander marionette x reader flash back

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This chapter is a flash back when y/n was small

Y/N POV : my mother said I should go outside and make some friends but then I said mother why can't I feel emotions my mother said nothing and quickly change the subject to go outside and play with the other kids .

??? Pov : I saw a pretty girl who looks the same age as me but she looks empty how do I know that I can see it in her eye's that she had no emotion In them

I forgot to mention that this is how little y/n looks like but you can imagine how she looks like

I forgot to mention that this is how little y/n looks like but you can imagine how she looks like

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And y/n has the bunny

Y/N POV : a little boy came up to me and asked if I can play with him and I just pretend to act happy to play with him .

yander fnaf x reader  lemon  ( STOPED WIRTING FOR NOW ) Where stories live. Discover now