special chapter for every one

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This is a special chapter it will be when all of the boys (exep bb troy golden freddy and the girls ) and they will be having a contests on who can get um ..................................... y/ns panties ho my gosh I'm not proud of this but oh well this is life .


Foxy pov : ey mates come over here now ! . I called them mates to have muahhhhh a contest on to see on who can get y/ns panties first . Soon all of the boys ( exep bb troy golden freddy and the girls ) came to the room I was in (you can decide but it has to be in the pizzarea ) and all of my mates yell at me WHAT DO YOU WHAT I WAS IN THE MILDLE OF SOMTHING . all right mate I got a little ......... compatition for us . I say to all to all of them boys . What's the comopatition they asked to me well the compatition is about who can get ..............................................y/ns panties first and we can not help each other but right now mates y/n is asleep in the safe room now go I yell at me mates .

Bonnie pov : I ran into the vents and when I cradled out of the vents I see bb asleep on her chest and I feel mad becaus i should be there ! Oh my gosh I'm such a perverted person (let's just say you have D-D ) as I went under her skurt to get her panties fredy soon push me away from her panties because he was pulling them off of her and he was having a blood run on his nose .

Mangle pov : I saw bonnie trying to get y/ns panties but I hit him on the back of his neck . And I saw fredy having a blood run on his nose and I also see y/ns panties hanging on her leg I quickly when under her skurt and I started blushing but I got her panties and ran to the mane room and yell I got her panties . Aw man every (body expe y/n because she is asleep the same whith bb troy golden freddy )

The end of this special chapter .

yander fnaf x reader  lemon  ( STOPED WIRTING FOR NOW ) Where stories live. Discover now