Day 7

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●Hey, after you mentioned it, I've been noticing the staring too. Not so much at me but at you. ●

○I guess they just didn't expect me to hang out with you, anyone even.○

●But no one's bothering you, right?●

○No Enoch, no one's bothering me.○

●Okay good.●

○Heard you have a big soccer tournament tomorrow.○

●Yup. Can't wait.●

○You ready?○

●Always ;p. But honestly yeah I am.●

○That's good. I wish I could go watch but it's during school and coach won't let anyone else come apart from the team.○

●Wait you asked?●

○Yeah. I haven't seen you play yet.○

●Well I wish you could come. It would be good to have least someone cheering for me in stands for once. And not someone who's too busy texting.●

○Melissa right? Just tell me the next time you guys have a match.○

●Will do :) ●

○Hey do you wanna hang out on Saturday?○

●Hang out?●

○Yeah that's what I wrote isn't it?○

●Actually I'm not sure, you're writing went from really neat and cursive to...well my writing XD. NO need to be nervous :p●

○Not funny butt head and I'm not nervous .Do you want to hang out or not?○

●Of course I do Cutie ;) ●

○Back with the 'Cutie' thing? Look please don't make this harder than it all ready is. I just want to do something Saturday because my mom's off work for once and she's  basically forcing me out to go have fun with my friends.....which I'm lacking in.○

●I'm right with you there. And I think that's a good idea, you need to relax and have some fun. What do you want to do?●

○Anything. I don't really mind.○

●The movies?●


●Okay? It took you like five minutes to just answer 'no'. How about we just go for lunch?●

○No Enoch. I want to do something that doesn't cost money....○

●Oh! Okay. How about we go to the park or something? Or you can come over to mine? Do you like video games?●

○Yeah either one sounds good.○

●You know if we did decide to go to the movies or whatever, I would have paid.●

○No Enoch, I don't want that.○

●Want what?●

○For you to pity me. I'm not some charity case○

●Adelita If you were the richest girl alive I would still pay for you. I wouldn't be done to pity you, I'd being it beacuse I genuinely want to.●

○That's really sweet Enoch and it means a lot but I don't want you to waste money on me. If we went to the park what would we do?○

●I could teach you how to play soccer or something? Maybe a few football tricks?●

○That sound fun.○

●It does?●

○Yeah, every time my uncle Rodrigo comes to visit, we all watch soccer, or football as he calls it, all the time. It would be cool to learn a few tricks to show him.○

●Wow, that's awesome. Wait, what side of your family is your uncle from?●

○My Father's○

●Really? So his name is Rodrigo Rodríguez?●

○Yup XD○

●Lmao. Okay so it's settled. Soccer on Saturday. I guess we can go to the park close to our school? Do you want me to pick you up or.....●

○No that's okay, Thanks for offering though :) ○

●No problem. Don't forget to dress appropriate.●

○Dress appropriate?○

●Yeah like gym clothes or whatever. As much as your legs look good in those jeans, I think it's  best if you swap them out for some sweats or something ;) ●

○Don't look at my legs. You perve ○

●I can't help how good they look.●

○Yeah but you can some looking ○

●It would pretty hard to restrain myself●

○Just shut up, you idiot. I need to get homework done.○

●Okay, I'll talk to you later.●


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