Day 11

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●Oh my God, did you see their faces when I sat beside you instead of Carly. It was priceless.●

○All of Melissa's friends are glaring at me now.○


○The weird thing is that she isn't. So when they do glare at me, they look so unsure of what their doing. They don't look any bit intimidating.○

●They're lost without their leader.●

○Exactly. Melissa seriously confuses me though.○

●Me too. She texted me again last night and she wants me to stop talking to you. And of course I'm not gonna listen to her and I have no clue why she thinks she has any authority over me but the weird thing is she basically begged me not to tell you she said that.●


●I have no clue. I asked and she just changed the subject.●



○So my mom is having a little get-together since she just got a new job. She's invited friends and family and...she wants me to invite you○

●Oh so you told your mom about me?●

○Um yeah, I told her about this annoying asshole who won't leave me alone○

●Right. Anyway I would LOVE to come to your party and congratulations to your mom!●

○Thanks, it's less hours for more money which is amazing and that means she'll  be around more.○

●And that you don't have to mind your brothers so much, right?●


●Imagine all the things you can do with that free time●

○I can get a job!○


○Yep. Why not?○

●Because you finally have spare time and you want to spend with a job.●

○Well sorry Enoch, I'm sure you don't understand but unlike you, everything isn't served to me on a silver platter, okay. There are stuff that I want but don't want to bother my mom for so this way I can buy them myself○

●Okay, okay. You don't always need to bring up how rich my parents are●

○I don't○

●Yeah you do. You always make some snarky remark about it. Like you resent me for having money●

○Okay well it's a little hard to talk to you sometimes when you don't understand what I'm going through.○

●Well I'm trying●

○I know that○

●Maybe you should try and understand my situation.●

○What situation? There a people on my side of town that don't even know if their gonna have any money for dinner and your complaining cos your rich ass parents don't show you enough love. What a tragedy!○

○I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.○


○Enoch, are you there?○

○I guess you left then.○

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2017 ⏰

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