Oh hello

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Robs view

Now, since I'm a pretty fucking big deal I've discovered I can get away with nearly everything. I perform to thousands every year all alongside my amazing band, and best mate Dec. Dec dec dec what a fella he is. Cheeky chappy him, always smiling always laughing never a dull moment with him. He's my backing vocalist so he's on stage for nearly the full show, he loves it he thrives for the buzz for the adrenaline he loves performing I think that's why we get on so well, that and he's bloody adorable not my type but adorable nonetheless

3rd person

"Rob mate nearly time" Dec said putting his ear pieces in and buttoned his shirt up, Robbie jumped up and down on the spot getting warmed up doing some boxing style punches he waved Dec over to join in, they done this before every performance "float like a butterfly" Dec said now doing the same punches to the air as they lightly moved around each other pretending to spar with each other "sting like a bee" Robbie said moving his neck cracking it in three places still punching air "let's give them what they came here to see" they said loudly together and stoped moving and looked at each other and smiled "show time Declan" Robbie winked he slung his arm around Decs shoulder as they walked out the dressing room laughing and giggling together like high school boys

Dec was ready on stage stood at the side beside the drummer behind his mic stand, he could feel it, the atmosphere the indescribable feeling of adrenaline started pumping through his body as the heard Robbies mic get turned on "float like a butterfly" he whispered to him self "sting like a bee" Robbie said looking to the sky as he got ready to go on stage to greet London "let's give them what they came here to see" they said at the same time without knowing each other had said it, they were on complete opposite sides they couldn't of known

Gary and Ant were not far from the from, slightly to the right, good view of the stage you could almost touch it " I cannit believe you got us tickets man" Ant said getting extremely excited as the lights went down "now" a voice boomed over the speakers "ahhh he's here lad" Gary said equally as excited "LONDON ARE YOU READY" the voice shouted and everyone went absolutely mental as the opening chords started "hell is gone and heavens here" Dec sang "nothing left for you to fear shake your ass come over" Robbie sang strutting on stage motioning for Dec to join him, Dec took his mic off the stand and joined Robbie as they danced "SCREAM" the both shouted down their mics and the arena could've been heard in Scotland "let meeee enter...oh hello" both Robbie and Dec sang then paused as their eyes fell upon Ant and Gary "2 cuties 5'0clock" Robbie whispered in Decs ear as they continued singing

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