Chapter 3

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With the ring of the last bell, I picked up my bag and got out of the school. I've decided to walk back home again. The weather was nice, warm air, shining sun- finally some signs of summer. The walk from school to my apartment building was actually through a nice area, full of trees, around houses with kids usually playing in the front yard, a peaceful environment.

Halfway through the walk around the park I heard running footsteps behind me and someone yelling "Alaska!"

With a sigh I rolled my eyes, not turning around, picking up the pace. What did Ian Reed want this time?

He caught up with me, keeping up with my pace easily with those long legs of his. We walked in silence for a while. I didn't made an effort to ask what he wanted, despite my curiosity. Why on Earth would he rush after me and then not say a word?

I sighed with frustration which he apparently took as a cue to speak. "The thing what you did at lunch today... It was nice of you." He mumbled, his hands shoved deep in his pockets, eyes on the sidewalk.

I look at him from the corner of my eye, my brows furrowed. "Why didn't you do something?"

Ian just shrugged, not saying a word. I couldn't believe this guy! So a girl gets bullied in front of his own eyes, he compliments me for stepping in but he doesn't do a thing, silently watching the scene?!

I huffed and started walking even quicker. "You are impossible! Good manners really are dead."

Ian stood still for a while, looking after me in disbelief, but then quickly caught up with me. "Hey!"

I didn't say a word, kept my eyes on the sidewalk. He has the audacity to keep talking to me? I wanted to get away as quick as possible but if I were to walk any quicker it'd turn into a run and that might be weird. So I just kept walking, hoping he'd get tired of my silent treatment and leave me alone.

But he didn't. Instead he grabbed on my shoulder, forcing me to stop and turn to him. I looked him dead in the eyes, angry.

"I know I should've done something. I am an idiot."

"Yes, yes you are." I growled. "How could you?! How could you witness a young frail girl being bullied by Monica and not say a word, but then compliment me on stepping in?! Keep your girlfriend at bay next time!" I spat out and wriggled my shoulder out of his grasp, starting to walk away again.

This time he just stood there. I think my words got through his thick skull this time. Did he really not realize the mistake he's done? The damage that Monica's behavior could have on poor Hope if no one stepped in to help her?

"She's not my girlfriend!" Ian yelled after me. I rolled my eyes but kept walking, ignoring him. Seriously?! This is the most important thing he takes out of all this? I remembered Monica being all over him at the cafeteria. She was like a poisonous snake, wriggling her way everywhere, squeezing Ian tight into her attention. And he simply let her, not even protesting against it. If that's not a girlfriend- boyfriend behavior I don't know what is.

Reaching my apartment, I closed the door behind me with a loud thud. I threw my backpack on the ground, making my way into the kitchen.

Mom was home this time, washing dishes at the sink. "Hey, sweetie! How was school today?"

I lowered myself onto a bar stool, folding my hands on the counter top in front of me. "Marvelous." I sighed.

Turning off the water quickly, my mom turned around with a furrowed brow, her green eyes boring straight into mine. "What's wrong?"

"Just teenagers being teenagers. I stood up for a girl that was being bullied today. And nobody else did anything to help her, they just kept watching as if it was a circus. It was disgusting." I purposely left out the part where Ian Reed partially walked me home. I knew my mom had a sweet spot for the guy ever since elementary school. She'd jump into all the wrong conclusions.

She reached above the counter and stroked my arm gently with a soft smile on her lips. "Don't worry dear, it's just a phase they're in right now. And you did the right thing. I'm glad I've raised you right." She gave me an encouraging smile, little wrinkled playing around her eyes. I loved my mom, she always knew what to say at the right time. I smiled back at her.

Suddenly she turned around and picked up something from the kitchen counter. As she turned around she was holding a small white box in her hands. I raised my brows quizzically at her and she just shrugged.

"Speaking of a girl at school... A girl stopped by, earlier today, looking for you. Platinum blonde hair, big blue eyes... When I told her you're not home yet, she just left this here for you an left. Care to explain?"

I looked at the box my mom was holding out for me. It was a typical paper box that you'd pack baked goods in. I reached for it, opening the lid carefully. Inside was a small chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting all over it and a little note that read:

Thank you for today. It really meant a lot. Hope you like chocolate. If you'd ever need anything, feel free to give me a call.

I owe you,


There was a phone number scribbled at the bottom of the note. I smiled, earning a quizzical look from my mom.

"It's from the girl, Hope," I said, putting the box with the cake at the counter. "Her mom owns a patisserie nearby, she sent me a chocolate cake as a thank you." I handed her the note.

My mom smiled as she was reading it. "The girl seems really nice. I take it she might be your new friend?"

I nodded with a small smile. "She might as well be. She moved here from Europe a few days back, she doesn't really know anyone around here." I looked at the clock on the wall. "Mom, I'd really like to chat more, but I have to go to work." I picked up my bag again and took the cake as well.

"Okay, Alice. Take care. I probably won't be home when you come back. I have to go back to work, there are some issues that need my presence." She sighed, pressing on the bridge of her nose.

I gave her a quick hug. "Don't worry, mom. I can take care of myself. Just don't overwork yourself, okay?"

She nodded, as she hugged me back. "Now go, you don't wanna be late."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out.

On my way to work I texted Hope:

Hey! Your superhero talking. If you have time right now, come to The Cup of Joe. We'd need coffee to go with the cake.

I greeted my co-worker as I walked in, storing my bag and the cake in the back room.

I put on the work apron with a smile on my lips. I really might've found a new friend. 


A/N: What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

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