Chapter 6

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I stepped in the cafeteria during lunch period and threw myself at the chair next to Hope. I had just taken a test and another one was ahead of me the next period. Today was not a good day.

When I came back with my plate of another pile of unidentifiable food, I noticed Hope's expression. Her face was pale, her eyes swollen and red with puffy bags under them. She was wearing an over-sized hoodie and trainers. And she barely touched her food. I immediately turned my attention towards her.

"What happened?" I laid my palm on her shoulder, causing her to flinch subtly. "Monica again? I swear I am gonna kick her ass." I growled, looking around the cafeteria to find the little vixen.

"N-no. Not Monica." Hope stammered, her eyes fixated down on her knees.

"Then who? Hope, talk to me." I turned back to her, with worry in my eyes.

Hope took a deep breath. "Patrick and dad got into a fight yesterday. They were arguing almost all night long... And my mom didn't come home." Hope barely whispered the last part.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, stroking it lightly. "I am so sorry Hope. It must've been my fault. If I weren't at your house yesterday, none of it would've happened."

Hope shook her head fiercely. "No. It's not your fault. Patrick's relationship with dad was unstable even before we moved here. The move made it much worse, though. And I am worried about my mom. She isn't picking up her phone since yesterday"

I dropped my arm, folding my hands at my knees. The noise in the cafeteria was incredibly irritating and Hope wasn't eating her lunch anyway. I got up and offered her a hand.

"What do you say we spend the rest of the lunch break outside, away from everyone? You can worry there all you want, without witnesses, too."

Hope gladly took my hand and got up, picking up her bag. We left our plates there and walked outside to the school yard, finding a quiet place at the bleachers.

None of us said a word for quite some time. We were both lost in our thoughts. I felt partly responsible for the mess at Hope's house yesterday. Patrick must've lashed out on his dad because of his behavior towards me. I just hope nothing bad happened between the two of them.

I looked up when I felt a figure standing in front of us, blocking out the sun.

"Hey, Alaska." A familiar voice said. Ian Reed. "Mind if I join you?"

I frowned up at him, throwing a quick glance at Hope, then looked back at him. "Now's not really a good time, Ian."

But he sat down anyway, his long legs stretched down to the next row of seats.

"What do you want?" I sighed. He obviously didn't take no for an answer, so I might as well get on with the reason why he came to occupy my lunch break.

He just shrugged. "Well, I saw you at the bleachers with stranger blondie here," His eyes darted towards Hope, "and I thought I might just as well say hello. Our soccer practice starts after lunch..." He obviously just now noticed Hope's face expression, because he frowned and stopped talking.

Ian Reed capable of compassion? Shocking.

"Monica again?" He mumbled, keeping his eyes on Hope.

She remained silent, pushing the loose strands of her hair even further towards her face to block his view. I stayed quiet too, interested in how this conversation is going to continue.

Ian ran his fingers through his hair, guilt in his eyes. "Look, I am sorry for the other day. I should've done something about Monica. It wasn't fair to you."

I gaped in surprise. Ian Reed was actually apologizing to Hope? This day couldn't get weirder. I had to pinch my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Ouch. Okay, so this is real.

Hope pushed some of the loose strands of her hair behind her ear and looked him in the eye for the first time since he came here. She was about to say something, but he kept rambling on.

"I know it must be tough to move to a whole different country and we were't exactly friendly to you during your first days here. You're lucky you found Alice." He shot me a glance. Admiring, almost? I couldn't believe my eyes AND ears.

Hope gave him a weak smile. "That's okay. I am not mad at you. And you're right, I am lucky to have Alice as my superhero." We smiled at each other. Aww. This is getting very sentimental very quickly.

Ian's eyebrows shot upwards. "You're not angry with me?"

She shook her head.

He let out a relieved laugh. "Awesome! I am Ian, by the way. Ian Reed." He stretched out his hand towards her.

Hope shook his hand and smiled. "Hope Martins."

He smiled at her as well. "Don't be sad about Monica anymore. I am officially joining your superhero squad from now on."

The smile faded away from Hope's face and I shot her a glance full of worry.

Ian looked at me, surprised, and mouthed What did I say? but before I got the chance to explain, Hope started talking.

"It's not about Monica. It's about my dad and my brother. They were arguing all night long." She mumbled, looking down at her feet, kicking the top of the bench.

Ian shifted in his seat, obviously not knowing what to do or say. I sighed.

He suddenly cleared his throat. "Well, I am sorry to hear that," he said, looking at Hope," but you know what? Let me make it up to you, for me being a jerk at the cafeteria the other day. Come to our game Saturday afternoon and we can go for ice cream shakes after. You and Alice both. Heck, even take your brother, I don't care. Let's just have a nice time. Happy time." He gave her a wide grin, awaiting an answer.

My eyes darted from Ian to Hope and back. What the heck was just happening? I felt like a spectator to the scene in front of me. Has he just asked us to hang out with him? Wasn't he going out with his teammates after each game? But Hope opened her mouth before I got the chance to express my disbelief.

"We'd love to. Thanks." She gave him a weak smile in return.

"Great. It's settled then." Ian's grin got even wider, I don't know if that's even humanly possible. He got up from his seat, taking his backpack with him. "See you later, girls." And with that he walked off.

Hope and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"What just happened?" I asked, stifling a laugh.

Hope winked at me. "Seems to me that we just got asked to hang out with the cutest guy at school." Her bad mood suddenly seemed forgotten.

I looked at the clock on my phone. Damn. I am nearly running late for class.

I got up quickly, picking up my bag. "Sorry, Hope, but I have a test this period, gotta go."

She just nodded and waved me goodbye.

My mind wandered off, replaying what just happened as I rushed towards my class.

We are going out with Ian Reed this Saturday. THE Ian Reed.

I can't wait.


A/N: What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

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