Introductions - Descriptions

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short, angled, black hair.

• almost always wearing a white tank top, blue sweater and black skirt with short heels.

• daughter of Wheatley and GLaDOS.

• 5'6"


• short, curly, orange hair.

• wears a dress with galaxies on it. always with orange converse.

• daughter of Space Core.



• short, straight, brown hair.

• wears a business-type suit, black shoes

• son of fact core

• 6'7"



• wears normal adventuring clothing.

• son of Adventure Core.

• 6'9"

• huge flirt.

dark skinned. 


   Marceline was woken up by another person sitting across from her. Opening her eyes in a flutter, she sat up, running a hand through her angled hair. The person across from her was obviously taller than she was. Almost two whole feet.

Marceline just blinked at him. The other studied her carefully, chuckling a little. His bright green eyes fixated on her bright blue and bright yellow ones. Marceline rose an eyebrow.

" Wheatley's daughter, I'm guessing? "  He asked. Marceline shrugged. She was surprised he hadn't taken note of the yellow eye.

" Eh. More or less, " She said, chuckling a little. The male stuck his hand out, smiling still. She shook it, sighing.

" Name's Drake. Son of the adventure core, or Rick, as he would want to be called. " Another chuckle escaped Marceline's lips as she shook it.

" Daughter of Wheatley, and uh... " She paused, glancing around. The train was now moving again.

" I know the others are going to be on this train in a matter of time, and uh..I hope you can keep this a secret between the both of us, unless I have to say, GLaDOs..

I know they ha--...used to hate each other. They put their differences aside..just..

..please, don't tell the other two. " Marceline said, as Drake was in complete shock.

" Wait--..

GLaDOS is you mom? A-...Are you sure you should be going to Apert-" Was all Drake could say before Marceline cut him off.

" Be quiet. I know what they did. They told me right before I left for college. I won't be too controlling. I won't hurt anybody.." She sighs as another person got on the train.

A preppy girl with orange, curly hair, and a dress with constellations patterned on it. Noticing Drake and Marceline were the only ones there, she sat down by Drake.

" Hey! Two cores that are heading to Aperture? " She asked. Marceline hid her yellow eye as much as she could, glancing over at Drake. He just frowned.

" Uh..Yeah..I'm Drake. Adventure's my dad, ” He motioned over to Marceline, as she smiled again.

“ This is... ” Drake cocked an eyebrow.

“ Marceline. My name's Marceline. Daughter of Wheatley.. ” She said, chuckling a little.

" Ooh! Nice to meet you guys! I'm Ursa! My dad's the core! If I remember correctly, Marceline, our dads were stuck up in spa– ” Marceline cut Ursa off.

“ Yes. They were. He told me about it. It seems ... bad.. ” The train had started again, and they had continued talking.

After a bit, (an hour or two) the train stopped again. Soon, a boy who was pretty dressed up, for some reason, yet, they all were.

He sat down next to Marceline, and smiled.

" You three heading to Aperture as well? " He asked. They all nodded.

" Ah. Names' Chris. Kids of Wheatley, Adventure and Space? " He asked. They all nodded again. They each introduced themselves; then Marceline got an idea.

Getting her phone out of her pocket, and absentmindedly wiped her hair out of her yellow eye, she smiled, looking at the others.

“ Wait–..quick question.

How are all of your impressions of your parents? 'Cause.. I have my dad on my phone, and what if we made him think we were...his friends. ? " She asked, and the others agreed.

" But, Marceline, who are you gonna–"

"My mom--" Marceline froze. Drake looked at her, frowning.

The others didn't quite catch it.

" . .let's just. .get started. " She said, and dialed up her dad and put it on speaker.

After a bit, he picked up, and Ursa spoke first.

“ Ye– ”

“ Meteros..meteors meteors ! SPAAAAACE !! ”

There was silence.

Then it was Drake's turn.

" You okay there bud? You sure you can handle it by yourself? ” By then, GLaDOS had heard the talking.

It was Chris' turn now.

“ Fact: This train is going to get us killed. ” They stopped for a second, for a chance for Wheatley to speak.

“ How did you guys even get my number ??? I thought this was Marceline's phone. . ” He said, Marceline took a deep breath.

“ You're not a regular moron; you were designed to be a moron. ” She said, while the others were practically laughing. Then, they all went quiet. She quickly said bye in her normal voice, before hanging up.

Ursa, and Chris looked at eachother, confused as all hell.

“ Wait your mom is– ” Chris said, before the voice rang out over the speakers.

“ Hey you .. four? It's Virgil! You're now at Aperture! So please, get your stuff and get off the train! ” And they did just that

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