The Fight

19 0 0

Oh wait. I forgot a character;


• orangish hair.

• quite short.

• says he knows both of my parents.

• actually mean


[ Cara's POV ]

As we got off of the monorail, Drake stepped up next to me, frowning. I ran a hand through my hair, groaning.

" should've done an impression of your dad.. now they both know, and I think they're..scared.. " He said. I rolled my eyes, looking up at him. Ursa and Chris were walking away, as Drake slung his arm around my shoulder.

He had obviously grown a little attracted to me, and honestly, I had too.

[ Third Person ]

Soon, the four got into the lab that was Aperture. Soon, Virgil's voice sounded again.

" Okay! So, welcome to Aperture! " There was a pause.

" Eheh..I-..yeah. Any who, I'm going to open this door, and you all are going to walk through it, and find your way to the subject containment vessels. "

They all shrugged and walked to through the door, and right in front of the containment vessels.

Each of the rooms had specific colors, it seemed. One blue, one orange, one purple, one green, and one yellow. They each walked into their respective rooms, waving bye to each other.

There was the voice again.

" Okay! Great! Now, there should be a shower – maybe a whole bathroom, if your lucky. These haven't been used in about..eight years? So, yeah. Take a shower, then put the jumpsuits on your beds on, and come outside. See ya! " Then Virgil signed out.

As much as she feared the water would be too hot or too cold, Cara figured she would take a shower. Last time she took one was on Tuesday, and it was Friday already.

[ timeskip bc I don't know how to do shower scenes ]

Once Cara got the jumpsuit on, she grabbed her brush and started brushing her hair.

All of it falling into a perfect angle on one side, it was satisfying. Then she put on the odd-looking boots, and walked out, where the others were waiting.

Each of them wore the colors and their rooms. Drake had dark green, Ursa had orange, Chris had purple, and Cara had blue with yellow accents.

There was Virgil again.

" Ookay! I see you all are ready. Okay? There should be a lift coming " And as he said, there was a lift.

All four got on, and the hatch closed, and they were now going up.

" I'm bringing you guys up to see me! It shouldn't really take long. It got fixed since the last time, "  He said.

" I'm sure your parents told you about it, Cara. Also–

You know what? It's on the video recording of that time. Exactly seven years ago, hm? " He said. Cara was silent.

Wheatley and GLaDOS had told her everything. She wished they hadn't.

Before they knew it, they were up there, looking at Virgil.

Virgil was making direct eye contact with Cara, and she was making direct eye contact with him.

Virgil, of course, was in charge of the whole facility. He was because there was nobody else.

The hatch opened, and they walked out.

" I did not expect you guys to look this tiny! Your like ants! " He said, looking at each of them now.

There was a long pause.

" Now, Cara, if I remember correctly; both of your parents were in charge of this place once, hm? " He asked. She didn't say anything, though. Virgil opened the door, making enough time that just Cara could get out. He looked right at her.

The others almost stepped out, following Cara, but they couldn't.

" Would you like to see what they did, Cara? What your parents did? Who your mom killed? " He said, his pumpkin orange optic beaming right on her face.

The words stung like needles. She remembered when they ild her about their mistakes. They had cried.

She almost had, too.

Now she would be forced to watch them actually happen. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

Not in front of the other three. She took in a deep breath, before speaking.

" V-..Virgil..this-...this isn't them.. I'm not my pare– " Was all she could say before Virgil headbutted into her side.

She got knocked into a wall panel, letting out a quite loud  scream. Drake, Chris and Ursa just watched in horror.

" THAT'S NOT THE POINT! " He exclaimed, coming nearer to the girl every second.

Her breathing was heavy, and she hurt a lot.

Finally, even though they had been quiet the whole time, the other three had smashed open the glass.

They immediately ran over to Cara, piking her up and keeping her stable. Her side was soaked with blood, as well as her back.

..Virgil just did a little 'tch' and turned away.

"You guys can leave, I suppose. You're probably all very hungry and tired. That is, if you do eat and sleep, which I'm guessing you do." He said, as the three were now carrying Cara to the elevator.

Cara coughed, wincing.

"Y-...Your a moron, you know that, right? You may think y-you're smart, but h-.." She coughed again. "..hey..spoiler alert; you're not. " She said, looking up at Virgil, her eyes seeming to glow brighter than they did before.

Once they got in the lift, Virgil let out an annoyed growl.

" . . a moron, huh?" He questioned, turning back around.

"Quick question, Cara.. coud a moron do..this?!" He exclaimed, pushing the lift and the four compadre's down the pit. There was a slight 'click' before he stopped.

" .  oh. " Was all he said. as they started falling.


It was quite dark the whole time, well, except for the shades of blue, yellow, green, and purple.

..Cara was the first one to speak, and it was kind of a morbid joke.

"So, how are you guys holding up? I'm basically half dead. "

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