quality time

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The four just kept falling, even when they would talk.

Chairs let out a huff, glaning around and crossing his arms.

" Fact: this could probably kill us. " He said, as Cara mumbled something. Chris rose an eyebrow, glancing over at her.

" Hm? " He asked, seeming to have not heard it, but he did.

Everybody did..

" I said, I'm sorry. " Cara said, sighing. The tunnel became silent again.

After a bit, the four had reached the end of the fall. Luckily, they had each landed on their feet (including Cara, who almost didn't.)

They immediately stood her up, and she groaned. Then there was a voice behind them.

" You guys need to get him out of control of the facility. " It said. Cara rose an eyebrow, turning her head around to look.

Behind them stood GLaDOS, Wheatley, and the other three's parents.

The four just stood in disbelief, as the five smiled.

Then, there was a huge clank, and the group almost lost their balance. Well, everybody except Cara, when her platform she was standing on gave out under her.

She screamed, somehow gripping onto the ledge. She could feel something tugging at her leg, too.

There was an audible groan, not coming from any of them, but from Virgil.

" Oh my god, will you just fall already, you mo-.." He stopped, as his 'body' came up and into view. He looked straight at the cores and GLaDOS.

" I thought I told you not to come back. " He spat out, Cara struggling to keep her grip.

" You did; but our children are in danger. " Wheatley said, stepping forward.

" Ah--!

I know!

But still.. why are you here. Especially where I can dispose of all of you sooo easily~! "

And with that, the platform that Cara was hanging onto, gave out.


Cara just let herself fall. What else could she do? All she could do was fall, and watch everybody's faces fade away.

She would probably die..

Might as well accept her fate, right?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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