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Dedicated to AkiraTakamura1
No prov

As the girls make their way to class they discuss the new disappearances of famous scientists. Bash is thinking deeply about her so called 'counter part' she is thinking about the way he acted before she was fighting him and about how sweet he was...

Akira's prov

'Blast was his name right? Well he looked cut-' I stop and shake those thoughts out of my head, 'Akira you are dating the sweetest guy in school! And not to mention the hottest! Stop thinking about Blast!'

I look up to see the girls looking at me with concern, "uhhh guys?"

"Sorry Akira we just got worried... you were so quiet, anything wrong?" Kat asked.

"Everything's fine just thinking!" I say to hopefully make them stop asking questions. And thankfully they do.

We then start talking again about grades, dates, and all the other stuff teenagers talk about.

We enter our class and still no sign of Katie, 'I hope she's okay.'

I then take my seat in the front on the left near the window, I sigh and turn my head to face it. I look at the sky and smile, ' it's a perfect day to fly... maybe after school I can fly to my favorite spot!'

I hear the clicking of heels enter the room and I straighten because this teacher scares the living shit out of me! I see a tall skinny woman with jet black long hair kept in a perfect bun, a black pant suit with a white button up underneath it, black heels, and her black glasses. "Good morning class!" She says with a fake smile.

"Good morning Miss. Gray!" We all respond. Thank god she's single because I would feel bad for the sucker that married her.

"We have new students today and I'd like to introduce them," she says as she walks towards the door to let them in.

I roll my eyes and start drawing I smile down at my paper until I hear the witch clear her throat, "now boys you can introduce yourselves."

I look up and see a auburn haired boy, a blonde boy, a black haired boy, and another black haired boy but this one is starting right at me.

Then I see all the girls have heart eyes and I roll my eyes.

"Hello I'm Leo Shin and these are my brothers..." the boy with the long auburn hair says.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Elliott," The blonde one says grimly.

"I'm Markus," the one with the black hair pulled into a mini ponytail says.

"And I'm Akio," the one with the black hair with a bang covering his left eye.

"Don't you have another brother?" She asked confused.

'Another brother?'

"Yeah he said he had to do something he'll be here soon!" Akio answered.

"Okay then... your seats are next to the girls showing you around," Miss. Gray says.

'Oh shit I totally forgot!'

I look around nervously and see there's an empty seat next to all of us.

"Okay Leo next to Kat, Elliott next to Mya, Markus next to Aoi, and Akio next to Akira... girls raise your hands and introduce yourselves!" We did as we were told and we each introduced ourselves.

Akio then walked over with a smile on his face and he sat down next to me, "hey."

I looked at him and he actually looked good: wearing a dark yellow shirt that said Green Day on it (Akira's favorite band!), black jeans, with black and yellow Jordan's, and a black beanie. His features were sharp and then I noticed his eyes... 'dark yellow eyes? They looked like mine but darker.'


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