Oh my......

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Draco: Your son.......

Harry:Which one?


Harry: What the hell did he do this time?

Draco: First, he exploded a cauldron, then I caught him with snap dragons throwing them at other students and I. Then he stole potion ingredients. And finally, when I was teaching my first years, he came running in yelling "Professor Malfoy likes cock."

Harry: Oh my......

Harry: Well the last part is true.

Draco: If I would slap you right now, if I could.

Harry: Well... Have you given him detention?

Draco:Honestly, yes, so many times. I'm thinking about asking McGonagall to make him stay from the Hogeade trip.  But kids really like that trip, and I have so many fun memories with Blaise and Pansy.

Harry:Its okay. You can take away the first trip, but don't take away all of them. Cause I have fun memories of torturing you.

Draco:Harhar very funny Harry.

Harry:You love me.

Draco:Yes I do.

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