What about Scorp?

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Harry:Don't you need to worry about Scorp?

Draco:Don't call him that. And he's visiting my mom every Friday-Monday then we're having  Christmas at her Cottage.

Harry:Why cant I call him Scorp? And she lives in a cottage?

Draco: He says "He has no right to call me that until I give him approval for dating my dad." Or something like that. And yes, she couldn't stand the mannor.

Harry:This is actually Scorpius?

Draco:..... I didn't have your number............. Please don't tell dad.

Harry:I won't, how long did we talk for, like you and me Scorpius?

Draco:Ever since I said not to call me that.

Harry:Alrighty. Now please put down the phone. Thank you

Draco: Okey Dokey.


Hiya! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I've honestly been have writer black for like ever on other books. But not in this on for some reason. I dunno.





Don't ask what that was about.

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