"You're no monster"

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Shitty title i know but ion know what else to choose.

(Reader POV)

Running in the hallways, I dodged an oncoming cart with tubes and liquids on it.
My heart rate beating in alarm. Onlookers saw you and looked at me, questionably. Some muttering amongst themselves at the speeding female make a ruckus in the halls.
I could care less. Literally.
But what Claire informed me of, made me sick to your stomach and a feeling of shock course it's way inside myself. My mind on the two dinosaurs I was to watch over.

"Watch out." I yelped as I almost ran into a line of tourists when I ran a corner too quickly in my hurry to get to the small paddock in the building.
Some of them exclaimed in surprise when I nearly slammed into them.
Claire always said not to make a physical contact that might knock the customers down or some bs like that. Least the pale skinned woman wasn't there to complain. "Sorry!" I yelled to the tourists that were squinting their eyes at me.

I looked forward into the hallway. And there, I saw the, "WORKERS ONLY" sign.
I pulled out my keycard and quickly inserted the plastic into the hole and heard it let out a beep of approval.
Rushing in, I was met with another hallway and went down a corridor and made a left.
Seeing the labcoat from before I left to my lunch break, I started towards him and the door.

"Open the door." I said to him, seeing his wide eyes.
He must've already knew what was going on.
With a nod, he unlocked the door and with a somewhat shaky breath, I went inside the room.
One thing was on my mind when I entered the room,

'She ate her own brother'

I didn't really see anything when I went in there. Not like I did want to see something. A couple guys with gloves near the cage.

"Did you treat one with more emotion than the other?" Claire immediately questioned me when she saw me. Her tone accusatory.
Of course she would smother me with her demanding words.
Pushing past the guys, I saw a bloody once white blanket on the cage's floor.
Now, my thoughts changed of when I thought of the two siblings fighting adorably. One took it too far or just randomly cannibalized her own brother.

"No. I didn't." I responded, my voice low.
Then I saw her. She was laying in a smaller, cramped looking cage off to the side. A sedated Calli with a muzzle around her bloody jaws. Her claws wrapped in a dark material.
'They're treating my baby like a monster...' I thought, feeling a small swell of anger.
I froze. What? A tingle of excitement made it's way across my shoulders at the word "my". Holy damn...

"Either she acted out of cannibalism or fierce jealousy." Claire continued on, like this whole thing was my fault. She turned her whole body towards me. "This is why we don't get too attached to them. They get like this when they see us getting to affectionate with another animal. It's either that, or she really is a monster that they made in the lab."

"She's a living creature." I snapped, a feeling of protective-ness (A/N- IT AINT A WORD I KNOW) over the Indominus came over my senses. "You made two of these dinosaurs just in case one didn't survive infancy, yeah? Well, that was a good idea. At least one is still alive, so why don't you take your bossy questions and shove it up your-"

"Ladies, please." Professor Wu interrupted, walking in like all was calm.
Did he not see the violence that just a baby dinosaur did? There was the red evidence of something brutal right there on that white blanket.
Claire and I both looked to see Wu's calm demeanor when he walked in. Wu gave off a dry smile. "Ms. (L/N)'s right. We made two of these dinosaurs in case one died, or in this case, gets eaten by his sibling. Let's just be happy that we got one carnivore still breathing."

I didn't even know what to feel at the moment. I was going to name the brother when I got back from my lunch break.
Why was Wu all merry about this?
But I ignored mostly everything except my authority over now only one of the Indominus's.

"Sir." I nodded, not looking at Claire but pushed past the two men and to Calli.

"Would you open this please?" I asked,  not too nicely because they locked and caged her in a small place.
The man nodded and pulled out his key, unlocking the cage.
I looked to see them leave. Claire giving me one last cold look, in which I returned with a shit eating grin.

When they left, the two men taking their plastic baggy with them, it's contents holding a bloodied blanket. When the room was cleared, I pulled out the baby dinosaur.
Taking off her muzzle, I felt her cool, hard scales and her spikes above her eyes.
She didn't need that...
Pulling off the fabric holding her arms to her chest, I felt a sense of anger. Pulling off the small chains restraining her clawed fingers, I felt protective of her.
The restrains they put on her day old self. They made it seem like she was something bad.
They made it seem like she was dangerous. A freak. She didn't even look like a normal dinosaur but still.

Sitting down, my back against the wall, I held her unconscious, cool body to my chest and my chin to her head.
I felt her shift around a bit.
And a minute later, her crimson eyes were open and looking up at my orbs.
She ate her own brother. But the way she acted around me, she didn't seem like the word they put her.

"You're no monster."


It's shorter I know, but I had to add something.
So SORRY if this part sucked! 😅😶😑😊

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