1. What could I do?

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I sat up quickly and looked around for what was making that incessant beeping noise. I looked to my left to no avail. I looked to my right, and there was...

A heart monitor? What? I looked around my room... No. The room I was in was defiantly NOT mine. My room actually had color, unlike this one. This room was pure white.

I pulled the IV needle out of my hand and tried to stand up, but I hurt too much to even try.

'What happened Katy?' I asked my wolf.

'Sara. You're in the hospital.' She said

'That wasn't what I asked.' I growled softly at her. She let out a wolfy sigh.

'You were beaten again.' She said. 'By the pack.' I could hear the hatred lacing her words. I groaned. Not again! I cannot believe they did this to me again. And only because I put breakfast on the table a minute late. A MINUTE. I'm surprised they didn't kill me, I'm glad they didn't. I couldn't stand to see another person take my place as 'pack slave'. Why couldn't I have had a better pack?


After my only friend, Kim, came to get me from the hospital, because my parents have been dead for awhile, I tried to go up to my room without being noticed. No such luck.

"Do you know how LONG I had to wait for lunch you worthless excuse for a wolf?!?" The I'm-not-alpha-yet-but-you-better-do-what-I-say-or-die, or Jake Ice, Alpha's son said to me. I shook my head and prepared myself for the beating I knew was coming. And it did. He started punching me in the face, and kicking me in the chest, as he told me exactly how long he had to wait. Then he kicked me in the back of my head, and something warm oozed out, and blackness started to cloud my vision. I gladly welcomed it. It was warmer than Jake, whose last name of Ice fit perfectly with how cold his heart was. I sighed in relief as the blackness took me.


I opened my eyes to darkness. I felt something sting, and I hissed as Kim cleaned my fresh wounds. She heard me and looked at me in relief.

"Thank Goodness!" She breathed out. "I didn't think you were gonna wake up! It's been three days!" She said. Three days?!?! The alpha will kill me! "Don't worry. I took over for you for the time being." I looked at her, and wondered how I got such a great friend. I giggled softly. Kim looked at me in shock.

"Sara...? Are you okay?" She asked me. I nodded my head and instantly regretted it when I felt pain stab through my head, making me cringe. Kim carried me up to her and her mate's room. He didn't mind. He was 18, she was 16, and I will turn 16 in four days. Wait. No. I've been out for three. That means my birthday is tomorrow! I can finally find my mate, and shift into my wolf! I couldn't wait!


I woke up the next morning, and got ready for school. I put on second-hand jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie, to cover up my bruised body. I also wore a pair of sunglasses to hide my face from my abusive pack mates and brother. Ya. My brother abuses me too. He blames me for the death of mum and dad. I ran downstairs and iced breakfast for the back, set the table, then grabbed an apple and my book bag, and ran out of the house towards the school.

*30 Minutes Later*

I finally got to school. I had to run here. I still do. I had to if I wanted to go anyway. Most people hate school, but I love it because the pack can't abuse me every second here, well at least not physically, but verbally was a whole other story. I ran to my locker to grab my books, then I ran to my first class, English. My teacher liked me because I did well in his class. I smiled at him when I walked in. At least I wasn't late. Class went by fast, then passing period was full of hatred towards me, then class. Etc. the ahold day pretty much went like this.

*after school*

I ran home after school, and quickly made an after school snack. For my pack mates. I grabbed a strawberry and ran to my room. If you can't tell, the pack only allows me enough food to keep me alive, because what would they do without their little omega slave. I wasn't allowed to have strawberries, but it was my birthday, right? So I savored the strawberry I had.

'SARA!' Alpha yelled through the mind-link.

'Y-yes A-Alpha?' I asked nervously.

'Make sure to make extra food tonight, we have a party.'

'Yes, sir...' I wanted to ask something but I didn't want to get in trouble.

'WHAT is it now?' He asked me.

'What would you like for dinner Alpha?' I asked.

'Anything, as long as there is meat.' He said. I nodded and ran down the stairs to start cooking.


It was also my brothers birthday today, and he was the soon to be beta of the pack, so they made me, his twin, make the feast. We would both e shifting tonight for the first time. Apparently, it hurt more than any beating I've gotten. Ever. And I've gotten some really bad beatings. I finished cooking and set the table for everyone in our pack, our guests, friends, basically everyone except me. I wasn't allowed to eat with them. I ran upstairs to me room, the attic of the pack-house, and sighed. I heard the music of the party start, and a cursed. I quickly changed into a lady butler outfit, and ran down the stairs. I held glasses of champagne on a platinum tray. I walked around, avoiding eye contact with everyone, until I felt an excruciating pain in my chest. I set the tray down and ran upstairs into my room, where I locked the door, and called Kim. I was shifting into my wolf. It really did hurt. It hurt so much that blackness overcame me in seconds.

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