Bellamy #1

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*Inspired by Season One, you're searching for Octavia after she goes missing* 

My feet are in piercing agony as I finally sit down against the tree and rest my head. We've been searching through the woods all day looking for Octavia, Bellamy hardly uttering a word unless it was to encourage us to push further and harder. Our little search party had been pushed to the edge, all completely drained and in need of a desperate rest. Bellamy had only agreed to stop when I successfully argued that it was too dark now to see any crucial clues and it would be better to wait until the morning. I stare across the campfire at him, usually so composed and his face so self-assure but I can see the cracks starting to form. The worry and wear of having to look after a camp filled with hormonal criminals and the fear of what danger his sister has found herself in; was starting to take shape on his face. I look over to my right, and see Finn, Jasper and the other couple who had stayed on to search already asleep. Picking myself up slowly, careful not to disturb the others, I make my way over to Bellamy. I wait until I'm sat down next to him, and I'm sure none of the others are awake before I speak.

"We're going to find her, you know. Just like I know you won't rest until you do." I look over at him, trying to give him an encouraging smile but his eyes never leave the fire. He sighs and his body sags as if he'd been holding it in for a while. My hand twitches, wanting to show some comfort, but afraid that he won't accept it. Instead I pass him the blanket I brought over, and tell him to get some rest. Eventually he complies, and lays down next to me, turning over so he's facing away. I watch as the fire embers burn out, and utter a silent prayer to the stars. I do hope wherever she is, that Octavia is okay, because I don't think that I can survive this without her. I lay down to see the stars better, and gradually feel my body slipping off to sleep.

It must still be night because the stars are still visible against a velvet sky. And yet I am awake. Why am I awake? I take in my surroundings and try to wake my groggy brain. A noise to my side jolts me wide awake, Bellamy is speaking in his sleep. No not speaking. Crying. He's uttering a word over and over. Octavia. His body jostles, clearly restless. I peer over and his eyes are still shut, so he must be having a nightmare. I wrap my arm around him and shake him awake, whispering his name and soft noises as I try to reassure him. He opens his eyes and stares at the same stars, his body still shaking as he tries to get control of his breathing. Slowly, I brush my hand through his hair, moving it off his damp forehead as I continue to mutter assurances. This is the closest I've ever been to him, I can see every detail in his eyes, including the tears that are glistening. He grabs a hold of the arm that is still wrapped around him and turns so he's looking right at me. "It was O. I dreamt about her, she was -" His voice breaks and he starts to shake more violently. I've never seen him so vulnerable. So human.

"Shush, it's okay, it's all going to be okay." I pull his head down to my chest, so that I can run my hands better through his hair. His tears soak through my shirt, and he wraps an arm around my waist. I pull the blanket over the both of us, saying softly, "just go to sleep, I'm right here and everything's going to be okay." My stomach does a somersault at having him so close, our bodies pressed against each other, skin on skin. My heartbeat rises as I inhale his scent, musky, warm and like the woods. I can't help the smile that spreads across my lips as I realise that the one and only Bellamy Blake has turned to me for support. The man who always seemed so stoic, devoid of emotion. But to me, he let his inner feelings out and he actually let me comfort him. I tighten my arm around him, we will find Octavia and I won't give up hope for him.

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